Does anyone else find it nearly impossible to lay flat on their back? I've been trying to force myself to, because I'm sure at some point I'll need another set of scans, but I just can't do it. The pain in my spine, ribs, and lungs is excruciating. Even my belly and trunk area hurt when I lay flat on my back , and it's hard to breathe.
lying flat: Does anyone else find it... - Advanced Prostate...
lying flat
Sorry to hear you are experiencing these issues. I do have occasional breathing issues whilst lying on my back, especially when I have spine pain, for scans they elevate my head a few inches and that seems to help. The radiologists I go to for scans sets aside one day a week for patients that need to be sedated to complete the scan. This may help? Sounds like you def need an MRI to see whats causing your pain. Hopefully your RO can come up with a solution to get the scan done (open MRI, sedation, lying on your side)?? Again I'm very sorry to hear about this suffering. 🙏
Part of the pain is likely from a fracture at my T
11 vertebra
Yikes 😳
don’t know if it will help you or not but I have to put a large pillow under my knees at night in order to sleep. The cancer in my back and hips was killing me in the morning, couldn’t move to get out of bed. Might try it. Keep up the fight warrior 🙏🙏
Thanks, I've been doing that for quite some time. It definitely helps
Unfortunately my husband has that problem as well due not only to PC but cardiac issues as well. He had to stop the last scan and said no more. His MO has tried to talk him into more scans because PSA has been doubling for several months but he's had to say no due to breathing issues. We've asked about sedation or even xrays but no help yet and he's currently off all meds. Blood work in 2 wks. before next appt.
Your MO should be able to get you on ADT + Abiraterone + Doxy. Sans a scan they won't know about lymph nodes etc.
Brother, this may sound too simple or even ridiculous, but similar pain I've had has been totally eliminated through regular hot epsom salt baths.
Make the water as hot as you can stand it and let your trunk submerge, I have standard size bathtub so my legs are halfway up the wall... Add 2 cups of Epsom salt and stay there til the water loses its heat, usually an hour or 1 1/2 hours. The heat expands blood vessels and all my pain areas in back, ribs and neck has been vanquished... It absolutely works for me and I can't recommend it enough...
It's also wonderful therapy for arthritis pain and great for heart and blood pressure... There's even reports that heat (hyperthermia) kills cancer cells...
I do it 5 x a week and can now sleep in any position throughout the night... Just be sure to hydrate yourself while in tub with clean pure water as you'll sweat out over a qt of water... Which is also wonderful for overall health because you're sweating out toxins from all organs... I swear by this!
Blessings to you friend...
I can't lie flat on my back for 2 reasons: (1) my heart stops and (2) my buttocks are too well endowed.
I can't sleep on my back, deformed chest osteoporosis, does affect my breathing to a small extent, various prolapsed discs, benign tumour on my spine, MRI of the back at least shows spine is okay, but 67 today always slept on my right hand side, a bit late to change?
I have similar issues when I sleep on the ceiling....(Gorilla Glue).....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 06/17/2023 5:54 PM DST
I can't sleep on my back. Aggravates my sleep apnea and just isn't comfortable.