Dr Corn had all the testing done that my husband's doctors in nc couldn't bother with. Upshot..NC docs are " you have about 5 years to live, you have to stay on all these drugs even if they're ruining your life, etc "
The tests showed husband only had two small bone mets and a small amount in his prostate. Even though his psa went up from 15 to 19 to 28, he's not overly worried because nothing had really changed. He has given us some options to consider, he is quite optimistic, he says husband is done with lupron taking his mind and strength. He also says there is no reason we cannot go hiking in Canada the end of Sept. We just have to get his strength back.
I am eternally grateful to this man and to those of you who recommended him.
I don't as a rule think much of the medical profession and many dice in nc have proven me correct but I think the world of dr corn.