I lost my Chinese accent with PCa LOL, JK
Brogue On
I saw that too. I thought National Enquirer spammed my email lol.
My wife saw that today and told me about it. She said she wouldn't mind if I got it because she grew up in Ireland. 😀
I really needed the Irish Blessing today . Hard times ahead for us. Thanks for the humor and music
Beautiful Message. It means a lot to me. Have Irish Heritage and am a Gideon and a believer in God Almighty!!
love ya doc, but yer bum’s oot the windae on this one
My bum had a biopsy probe in last week, not out the windae LOL
I’m in ….. sign me up for conversational French. Just say’in.
Oh la la mon ami
maybe there is “ some “ validity to that thought in the article. Recently Ive picked up some word sluring that might resemble an accent …. Its small vessel, white matter , ischemic brain damage. It’s thought to be a SE from my long term Xtandi use because it transients the blood brain barrier. Maybe it’s related to that somehow. Hard to say.
Yeah, I think you are right about the word slurring being what's going on and not an actual accent.
are you guys joking about the word-slurring,? Why I ask …. Jim doesn’t sound like himself any more, I guess, since you mentioned word slurring , this is what he does. I have to keep asking him to repeat himself. It sounds like his voice needs some energy… drives me crazy. Now I feel bad, is this a SE??
Ya set me up again Bro 😂
Is it Joe O'Biden?
I saw a similar report of 2 women that started speaking with Irish and Chinese accents. This is a real condition. Google "foreign accent syndrome"
ah, a man who’s kissed the Blarney Stone!!!😀
Very funny. I'll have another.