Well after kicking and screaming and tearing my MO and his "Team" a New One...
I got my PSMA scan... and .....
All of a sudden out of the blue... I get a call that says "We have doses set aside for you if you want to start Pluvicto " Oh ... and BTW.. we had a cancelation, so if you want to start on Jan. 30th ( that call was just two days before) You already have Insurance co. approval. So sign the consent form and you are Good to Go .
WHEW ,,, ! that was quick from "Sorry we won't have any doses until at least the end of March early April"..
The Take away from this .. YOU!!! Yourself... have to be your own advocate. well at least here at Moffitt.. This saved me about three months of waiting.. letting my disease progress to who knows where... and making arrangements to travel to the Mayo Clinic SIX times... from Tampa.. at a cost of appx . $2,500.00 per trip Air, Hotel, Meals and Transpiration..
So men.. Do Not take no for an answer...
All IV'ed up getting my first Pluvicto Treatment...
FYI ... to be honest. almost no SE's other than a little tiredness. oh and I glow in the dark 😜