I saw another feed a bit ago about taking pro biotics prior to and during radiation. Any details on this? I am waiting for my PSMA PET. Orders are in , just waiting the date to get scheduled, then tentatively, based on those results, Bicalutamide next day after PET, then Lupron, (I believe a couple or so weeks after that, have to go get my RO notes) and 35 70 grey pelvic +LN treatments. Coming soon to a theater near me.
Pro biotics: I saw another feed a bit... - Advanced Prostate...
Pro biotics

Probably dubious, but why not.
get a good probiotic , take it in the morning on an empty stomach.
As far as I know its to simply keep you regular. The bowels should be empty when receiving pelvic radiation to maximize the space between prostate and bowel. Ended up making me irregular and I stopped taking them.
I was able to control my bowel symptoms with the FODMAP diet. Their is an app that gives every food a score. I love fruit but found many of them were causing a problem. Turns out kiwi was ok so I ate a lot of kiwi during therapy. Everyone agrees bowel flora is important but the right recipe seems to vary from one person to another. Hence probiotics work for some and not others.
hi, totally not appropriate to the post but.....
I tried little tiny bit cbd oil other day.
Incy wincy teency bit...
1h later I ate all 4 probiotic yogurts in fridge in one sitting, using gariboldy biscuits as spoons!!!!
So......to summarize!
Probiotic yogurts can be very moreish???
I think (and so do some others) that probiotics are largely bullshit. True live cultures like any "rotten" food kin chee live miso combucha(sp) etc are good way to a healthy biome. I think freeze dried stuff is essentially worthless. For radiation I do not see any benefit to probiotics unless your health needs improving. Some people think that what is actually more important is pre biotics which help to establish a healthy environment for naturally available bacteria to grow. Unless you sterilize everything you eat you are going to get a host of bacteria from the environment. There are certainly people who have very unhealthy biomes and who do need treatment even fecal implants in extreme cases but as far as I think, packaged (live ones maybe OK) freeze dried "pro biotics" are bullshit.
BTW, I make it a point to eat what i call "rotten" (fermented etc live culture stuff)