I get first infusion of pluvicto this Thursday. Up to know have been bone pain mostly hip regions. When started Zytiga last fall, I almost immediately started to feel better, less pain etc. Just curious what other of you fellas have experienced as you've started on with pluvicto. Thanks in advance.
Pluvicto/Lu-177 expectations, if any - Advanced Prostate...
Pluvicto/Lu-177 expectations, if any

I have completed 2 infusions, with few, if any, symptoms. Had a little pain intermittently in a few lesions, which has resolved. PSA before first infusion 9.2, dropped to 2.7 after first and to 0.7 after second infusion. Third infusion in 8 days.
To date I have completed my 6th and final LuPSMA177 infusion at Dana Farber. This is a Trial Study with Novartis. My response has been similar to TWTJr's. Red blood cell and Hemoglobin were impacted after each infusion but after a couple of weeks seem to resolve. Fatigue was the only noticeable impact on QOL. The coming scans shall tell the real story. Fingers crossed.
thanks. What levels did Hb go to? Doing anything to help rebound?
It never got to critical levels where a transfusion would be required or me being removed from the Study. My situation became predictable and they just monitored it. It would resolve after a few weeks. Presently 3 weeks since last infusion and I feel fine. This past month I have more than doubled my morning hikes to 7 miles. The hikes really seem to help me go through the day. I've also pretty much stopped intake of processed carbs.
please keep us posted on what the new scans show. I am on dose 2 this week and hoping for nice improvements.
Best of luck 🍀
So, no issues with the saliva glands?
After 6 infusions, no issues with saliva glands.
Ramp7. I’m also treated at Farber and considered Pluvicto. The most recent post I see from you is a year old. What is current situation? J
Good morning, I completed the Pluvicto trial last year, all 6 infusion. Initially myPSA went down rather dramatically (8.3 - 0.19) but slowly increased over a few months time. So for me was not durable, but they seem to be onto something. Next I visited Dr. Sam Denmeade at Johns Hopkins and have embarked on trying a BAT approach to controlling my cancer. I'll provide an interesting link. urotoday.com/video-lectures...
Thank you. A score of 8 does not seem very high, as I was 125 and have a friend who was score of 45 What is your PSA now? How old are you? Any Pluvicto side effects? The Novartis trial I almost went in to started in April2023 and was I think every three weeks for six sessions. Was your doctor Wei? What is BAT?
I'm 69 years old been dancing with the beast for 16 years. Initially they said 10 years. Initial side effects were fatigue from Pluvicto. Low blood count but did not require a transfusion. My Doc at Dana Farber is Beltran. Waiting for latest PSA results. Receiving radiation on L3 of my spine for a hot spot, ciurrently.
rsmp7. What town? I am in Hyannis
Are you doing the BAT procedure, and is it through Farber?
Beltran at Dana Farber is aware what I am doing. I send a copy of my pdf that documents my progress. I also send it to Denmeade and my local MO. I am basically self administering the BAT procedure. I purchase Propionate (T) overseas. My local MO is helping now once that he saw I am indeed a responder.
Fascinating. How long have you been doing this high level testosterone? What country do you get it from? By injection…or pills? I have my 60 days check up at Farber this next week, and hope to ask about the concept. Will also ask about just dropping the ADT,but not adding mega testosterone.
pluvecto 1st dose stopped my pain. Waiting for scans and 2nd dose this thurs
Good luck to you Runthru
My husband just got home from his third Pluvicto treatment.
He has had no nausea or side effects. He has started walking better and feeling stronger. His PSA has dropped from 350 to 33.4.
They won’t do a scan until after the fourth treatment. Because he has had no side effects they expect him to complete all six treatments. They also said some men who have already received Xofigo have received Pluvicto there.
In Athens,Ga they mentioned starting a trial for Pluvicto for hormone sensitive men if anyone is interested in that geographic area.
Good luck to you RunThru! And keep us all posted. Hubby had his first Pluvicto treatment 19 days ago. His back pain seems better already.
Slight nausea the first couple of days. Fatigue has been something he's been struggling with for the last 2 years from chemo treatments. He feels it's not much different. No salivary gland issues. He had labs last week and his blood counts are stable. So far - so good. Drink lots of water. I'm sure you already know that. Hoping for good results for you. For all of us.