Dx Oct 2021 Gleason 5 + 5 (10)PSMA clear of Mets. Completed 39 sessions Rad late Feb. Am told I any in very small number of men who have felt major pain in prostate from day one, unfortunately having this pain ment Urologist was convinced I had prostatitis and treated this for 6 months, I have had prostatitis in the past and new pain was different , lol but what do we know. Now on ADT since Oct for two years. Last psa was 0.1. Fingers crossed and on we go.
Gleason 5 + 5 (10): Dx Oct 202... - Advanced Prostate...
Gleason 5 + 5 (10)

Yes, on we go! Stay positive and active. I was diagnosed 6 1/2 years ago at age 65 with Gleason scores of 5x9s and 1x10. Not good. After ADT for 2 years, 81 units of radiation and 6 x 3wk cycles of taxotere, I'm doing fine. PSA leveled off at about .9 and I'm tracking it with PSA tests every 6 weeks. If it starts moving up, I'll get a PET/PSMA and deal with it. There are options now that didn't exist 6 years ago.
Thank you, yes lot more options around today, I seam to be a bit of a odd case here, not a lot of 10s caught this early. PSMA scans also not a standard here so was lucky with that. My new motto...I'm taking the p*ss out of life before life takes the p*ss out of me 😆. Can I ask how the radiation side effects are going?
I had minimal side effects of the IMRT radiation. 81 gray given over 45sessions. I did have a little proctitis about 6-9 months after the completion
of radiation. A little bleeding every once in a while in my stool. They fixed
it when I had a routine colonoscopy (spot weld).
Yes having a bit of Proctitis, wife filled me up with bone marrow coligin soups before and during 79/39 sessions. Big problem is hot flashes and insomnia, hot sweats can last up to 30 minutes at a time ie in one flash, only getting an average of 4 hours sleep does this get any better, I'm 9 months into ADT. Thank you for you time with this.
Yes I did suffer from Insomnia due to the ADT. I could only sleep in 2 hrperiods. Hot flashes were mild for me.
Hi Pop1959, I know several men whose hot flashes have been helped tremendously by the EMBR Wave from EMBR labs. Mine are not too bad, and I have never used it, but every guy I know who has used it says it has helped. For what it's worth.