I feel like I am comparing apples to oranges. Both studies had positive results, but I am wondering if there is enough info to pick a winner. Both had men with BCR and the PomiT looks like a significant had PSA reduction where I dont see that in the pom juice one. Any help translating to simple English would be appreciated.
Which Pom to take?: I feel like I am... - Advanced Prostate...
Which Pom to take?

I use Pomi-T based upon recommendations from other guys on the group. Dunno if it does anything, but makes me feel like Im trying to do something useful to help.
The only ingredient in Pomi-T that hasn't proved to be useless is sulforaphane. So you may be able to save some money by just using sulforaphane. Make sure it's cold-processed so the myrosinase is preserved. Or eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables with at least one raw broccoli floret for the myrosinase.
One of the best things to eat for sulforaphane is broccoli sprouts. You 'should' really take them with mustard seeds. You have to chew them thoroughly to break down the cell walls.
I started growing my own sprouts recently. Amazing how easy it is.
I know, it’s remarkable isn’t it? In such a short time these things sprout up. Quite satisfying as well.Make sure the get some sun at the end of the cycle to green them off. Drain them on your counter top.
Yep, if I can do it, anybody can. Next up: two rotating crops!
Yep, it’s exactly the next logical progressional step to get your constant supply.👍Just make sure you FULLY drain the water. Even a little bit can turn them rancid and you lose a harvest! You’ll know if that’s happened because it’s a very distinct smell. There’s no mistake.
When I store them, I make sure they’re fully dry, and place them in an airtight container with layers of Bounty wipes or any equivalent and place them in the fridge. The wipes absorb any moisture.
As an aside actually: If you freeze them, the freezing/thawing breaks down the cell walls and makes the sulforaphane more available.
They don’t taste very nice though. I just prefer to over chew them. If you do smoothies, they’re a very good thing to stick in there.
Thanks. I have been consuming each crop over two days, so no need yet to store. I have purchased from Food to Live, and they stressed the part about drainage.
Have you done only cruciferous seeds? I recently saw stinging nettle sprouting seeds; I know some take the supplement.
Yeah mainly cruciferous. I have fermented them as well, along with all kinds of other fruits and vegetables.
If you ferment, it removes the sugars of fruits. Banana and pomegranate are particularly good fermented fruits.
You have to be careful though because fruit can create a lot of alcohol. Something to be aware of if you drive.
I have 4 large trays I grow every week. In the end I am eating about 60 grams of brocolli sprouts each day. These trays breath pretty well, and when they are done growing, I just put them in the fridge which dries them out further.
Wow! Tremendous that. Well done. Totally love it.
I need to up my game after seeing that. Makes me feel like a schoolboy hobbyist.
Yes-Wow! You can add ground brown mustard seed to even cooked broccoli to make the sulphoraphane available in the active form.
I had my RP four years ago and hope to avoid BCR for the duration. I have always taken one Pomi-T capsule a day. I also ingest a fairly good amount of each of the four ingredients most days. Hence, I drink some organic green tea, eat the stalks of raw organic broccoli, drink some organic pom. juice, etc. most days. Clearly, I don't know but there might be some synergy in the four ingredients. Can't hurt, all are healthy and it's pretty inexpensive. Good luck!
I hear you on the supplements. I subscribe to consumerlabs.com so feel I am getting fairly good product. Currently take alot and trying to weed some out. All my number for liver/kidney are great so not affecting that. I do organic pom juice now and mix it with organic beet juice (NO source) but worry about the sugar from cup of each. Trying SuperBeets for a month and will test NO to see. Thanks.
If you're worried about the sugar in the pom juice, you can try fermenting it.Basically, you need some starter culture. You can buy these in pouches, but you can also make your own from kefir grains. This can be water or milk kefir grains.
You then mix about 1/5 of the starter with the juice and store in a mason jar for about 4 days. Could be 3 days in the summer. Depends on the culture and the heat.
The culture with eat the sugars. It will have a tart like taste and be slightly alcoholic. It will taste like a cocktail actually. You can do the same with pomegranate seeds.
Watch what you're doing if you drive!
I had not seen that since i dont use it. However, i used to take Metamucil and going to throw that out this week. Thanks for the heads up.