I've been on Lupron for 2 mo. now and recently finished my 2nd chemo (docetaxel). I've noticed recently that my skin is very soft & smooth. Still have most of my body hair. Skin used to be rough in spots and dry in spots, but now that's gone. Could this be the lack of testosterone? From the chemo? It's certainly not an issue, but curious. Thanks.
Smoother skin From Lupron? Chemo? - Advanced Prostate...
Smoother skin From Lupron? Chemo?

It’s the lupron or just having no t. I lost all body hair skin went smooth , skin cuts easily too now, no musk,no arm pit hair , . All from no t . These are just the cosmetic effects . I’ve been 7 yrs no t . The effects run deep . Muscles bones teeth .
Yes no armpit hair after a 6 mo eligard shot and that was almost 6 years ago and it hasn't grown back despite T coming back. So why do women deal with armpit hair? Weird.

Same here.
Ill amen lu a 3rd time.....no b.o. is about only plus from adt.....
No mo Mennen speed sticks ! 😂✌️
Same here after 2 ans half years of ADT (Eligard and Nubeqa) ...And actually with hair growing back on top of my head as no T reverses male baldness pattern....
a silver lining
Docetaxel chemo hits hair follicles and sweat glands. So skin is smooth. No body odor at all and no beard growth nor body hair. Comes back.The lack of testosterone also slows body hair and beard growth markedly as well as BO, but not to the same degree as the chemo. Now on BAT, when on high T my beard, arm and leg hair and even fingernails grow like crazy! Weirdly humorous. 🦍
Zytiga 9 months , Lupron 11 months, T<7Facial hair and finger nails continue to grow, no BO.
Face is fuller which I attribute to Prednisone.
My skin is still dry like before chemo and ADT, my hands still rough and the cracks and grooves in my hands still hold rust and grease like they always did, my heels still crack, but yeah, the only hair i have any more is on top of my head. my hands itch all the time now, which was dismissed as contact dermatitis by the Fellow I saw the other day at my MO visit. not sure what he thinks is contacting the back side of my callouses where most of the itching is. i think it may be a side effect from treatment, not neuropathy like tingling, but another sensation. i even sent a follow up message to my nurse practitioner to make sure this itching was noted, and she told me to use hand lotion several times a day. wouldnt that be great if it worked. i might start using it on my penis to bring it back from the dead then.......
The last line of your post- if you have any luck in that department please let me know. It would be a miracle rivalling Lazarus's return from the grave.
I still have not come to terms with my loss. On top of my 2 years of LUCRIN (LUPRON) I have been on Duodart also for 2 years. Never had any issues before starting treatment.
Same here after 16 months of Eligard. Weird. Went through a phase of cutting skin on fingers very easily.
Skin seems to peal off easily... both elbows were skinned last month and did not remember skinning them, now two skinned patches near my tail bone from sit ups.