The following are tips for interacting in Malecare forums, adapted from guidelines originally compiled by Chuq Von Rospach & Gene Spafford:
With the large number of members in our Malecare community, no one is expected to read every post made within the discussion forums. Rather, read those that seem interesting to you and reply when you can further the conversation. Above all, you are expected to remain civil and treat all other members with respect. Failure to do so will result in your removal.
Post in the most appropriate Malecare forum for your topic, and do not post the same thing in multiple forums.
Use a meaningful title for your thread. (I rarely get this one right so no worries if you struggle too)
Be civil. If you disagree, explain your position with respect and refrain from any and all personal attacks.
Stay on topic. In particular, don’t change the subject in the middle of an existing thread – just start a new topic.
Make sure you’re understood, even by non-native English speakers. Try to write full sentences, and avoid text-message abbreviations or slang.
Be careful when you use humor and sarcasm as these messages are easy to misinterpret.
If asking a question, provide as much information as possible, what you’ve already considered, what you’ve already read, etc.
Cite appropriate references when using someone else’s ideas, thoughts, or words.
Do not use Malecare to promote your or anyone else’s product, service, or business.
Do not post personal information about other posters in the forum.
Ignore spammers and report them to our Malecare team with the report button beneath every post and reply