Social Security?: This has nothing to... - Advanced Prostate...

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Social Security?

E2-Guy profile image
34 Replies

This has nothing to do with PCa, but I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to increase SS benefits slightly? I applied for it at age 64 (3 years after my RP) and the lady that interviewed me asked me if I was disabled? I couldn't lie to her since I was still able to function normally. In the few years prior to applying I had been loosing a considerable amount of money in my commercial real-estate investments so the end result was a paltry SS allowance which is barely enough to live on even in Thailand. I just called the SS Administration office (was on hold for over 50 minutes), and the gentleman that I talked to told me "no way" other than to cancel Medicare since it is doing me no good while I'm living abroad.

Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)

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E2-Guy profile image
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34 Replies
CAMPSOUPS profile image

I wish I could help with that Ron.Sounds like maybe you could get a little extra by eliminating the medicare deducted from SS ($200.00 ? which would be about 7000 Baht--I've never forgotten my 1970's stop in Pattaya beach while in the Navy lol).

I just turned 65 last year, 2021. When this damn dx hit in 2019 it changed what my wife and I envisioned our future to be.

I have a nice little from home business that we thought would carry us until age 72 to draw SS and then move to the old empty family home in Japan. I was very healthy and physically capable of about anything including the in house service work on printing presses of customers which brought in the most money.

All of that went down the drain after dx.

That sounds depressing. On a positive note I am still capable of selling parts to the customers and have just enough strength and stamina to get that done. It makes a nice addition to my SS.

E2-Guy profile image
E2-Guy in reply to CAMPSOUPS

Thank you Bro! So sorry that we got to know each other on this forum rather than here in Pattaya (if you ever came back for a visit). Keeping my fingers crossed that you might start feeling good again and perhaps decide to take the journey.


Muffin2019 profile image

I do not think so unless you paid back the benefit amount, that is why I waited till 65 fir the medicare insurance. I could have waited but with the cancer hitting me at 66 the benefit was better than private or corporate insurance. If I had waited a few years I could have a bigger benefit but the advantage programs is better than my employee insurance if I had stayed full time. I still work part time at almost 71 the money from the part job comes in handy for expenses.

Oh Boy! Ronron , I think this does have to do with us all and pc . Most of us are of ss age. I went on ssdi in 2015 at 53 yrs old due to metzs on bladder tubes into kidneys and a poor life expediency given . No one thought I’d make it . I worked and payed into ss 40 yrs . Ronron I lost mucho in the 2008 housing crash myself . Never recovered from that .. Being on the dole wasn’t the golden years that I had planned for .Just another blow to an enormous ego . I spent most savings fighting this my first two yrs. I’m very grateful for Uncle Sam . Without this we’d be eating dirt . Social Security will be defunct they say by 2035 . But We won’t be here . They could drop me any day .? They tried once early on ? 15k per yr for a family of two is way under the poverty line in America , ..However , I am Thankful! Many here are wealthy . I am not . I don’t have pc so I don’t give a shit Ron . Life is a bitch then we die . We’ve all heard that one . Mabuhai amigo . One day at a time sweet Jesus! 🙏❤️🕊🕊🕊

Justfor_ profile image
Justfor_ in reply to

I have read your past writings and I think you had a (very) close shave. Since you made it up to here, I see it as a safe bet that you will make it to 2035. Take a note to give me a like 13 years from now!

in reply to Justfor_

Im realistic with pc .. I was overoptimistic my entire life . Never thought it could happen to me . Now I like what Mark Twain said . “ The only thing worse than a young pessimist ,is an old optimist .” You must believe and have faith in yourself to put this down . But YUO are still a young man . I , at 61 am too old to die young now .I m not expecting long life Sir ! Just praying for some mercy down the road! 🇺🇦🙏

Justfor_ profile image
Justfor_ in reply to

I am neither an optimist or a pessimist. I am like (was it Tom Sawyer?) who was paid a dead cat in order to let his friend paint the wooden fence.

in reply to Justfor_

Dead cat! 😂✌️👏👏👏

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to Justfor_

*Totally* a confirmed pessimist here that has served me well for decades. Always expecting the worse and preparing for it allows me to always be correct and ready for the consequences or PLEASANTLY SURPRISED.

in reply to addicted2cycling


E2-Guy profile image
E2-Guy in reply to

Thanks Scott for your reply. Happy to hear that you don't have to worry about PCa anymore! You are living in one of my favorite those cacti. I have a couple of hundred of them on my balcony which are my babies. Maybe I should try supplementing my measly 15K SS by selling some?

Cactus on my condo balcony.
in reply to E2-Guy

I’m on adt stil Ronron . I don’t worry . What’s the point? We all know that #4 will not leave us alone for the rest of our life’s . It’s hiding in me now bro! F it!

in reply to E2-Guy

F that Ron . You do you . We had Time of wealth now we are on the low stroll in life . We both have stellar views and are not alone .. I’m saying , no matter how bad we think it is there is someone who would trade up to our spot and feel that it s like heaven . Humankind we can’t control . Stay close to nature and act with love towards others . You’re doing it! Do some ayahuasca ! I did and no mo fear of death or pc . I’m just passing though this realm and watching the sunsets in thanks . Luv ya! 🕊🕊🕊

timotur profile image

Ron, if you're up to it, you could go back to work and your ordinary income may increase your SS benefits if it raises your average indexed monthly earnings, which is based on up to 35 years of work. Even ordinary income after claiming SS can increase your benefits if it raises the average monthly earnings calculation. I quit working full-time after dx in Dec '18, but returned to work this year at age 68 and plan to work at least till 70, and probably 72, at which time RMD rules kick in, just to max out my benefits.

E2-Guy profile image
E2-Guy in reply to timotur

Thank you Bro for the reply; however, at my ripe old age of 79 I don't know what I would do?I'd have to sell my condo here to come up with the money to invest in income producing real estate which was my primary business for many years.

in reply to E2-Guy

Ronron I’m relinquished to no $$$ and spending nothing. I don’t spend what I don’t have . In life brother I had been first and last . But now at 61 I’m just happy to be in the line of the living .. Food and roof . With these we are better than 1/3 of the world that doesn’t have either …. Keep rolling , keep retired . No work at 79 , no way! Luv ya man . Hang in there ! 💔🙏

leebeth profile image

If you are considering dropping Medicare, you need to be absolutely certain you never will move back to the states, or you will have a penalty. If that is remotely possible, then your best bet is to find a way to generate income.

Many US manufacturing companies are purchasing parts from Thailand. Some may be looking for “boots on the ground” to be a go between. Worth investigating.

E2-Guy profile image
E2-Guy in reply to leebeth

Thank you for your reply. I am going to continue paying in for Medicare since I have no idea what the future holds for me. I hope to die here and never have to go back to the US...I don't even want my ashes sent back which I hope will be deposited in the ocean in front of my condo.

I like your idea regarding purchasing; however, I have no idea how to go about finding US companies that would be interested in using an old buzzard.

cesces profile image

"if anyone knows of a way to increase SS benefits slightly"

Convenience older voters to stop supporting retrograde anti-democracy politicians who keep attempting to sabotage SSA and SSA benefits.

This is about the only way to accomplish this.

Cooolone profile image

Soon, everyone benefits will be increasing slightly due to inflation!!! Just sayin...

Not that this increases the available $$$ disposable income because everything is costing +++!

But as noted, the formula for calculating SS payments pretty much locks you in. It won't change much unless you go back to work and make a significant amount of money, maxing out every year (currently $147,000 US) and doing it for consecutive years! And the averaging part of the calc will likely render the change not much as we have less years to work or until mandatory distribution age (70), etc.

So unfortunately, working isn't an answer much either!

E2-Guy profile image
E2-Guy in reply to Cooolone

Thank you for the reply 'Cooolone'!

timotur profile image
timotur in reply to Cooolone

That's a good point Coool... by going back to work for two years, it's only raising my monthly payout $150, but I figure that's at least half my Part B at the moment.

in reply to Cooolone

I saw that SS will be defunct and broke by 2035 …not that any of us will be here to see that !pluck the day! 🤙🏽

Cooolone profile image
Cooolone in reply to

Well, my only aspiration then will be to see S.S. go bankrupt! Besides, I'll be 71 then and hopefully destroying all my Oncologist's statistics!!! LMAO! I'll be broke, but happy!

in reply to Cooolone

Happiness ! A win win .. I’m broke ,but really happy at times . Sad at others .. you can survive this if anyone can ! I can’t believe how many macho guys get pc . Like you a Martial artist for life .. I know we have many , the strongest men around . Wow. You’re young . You ll see a cure ..that new immunotherapy thing could save us all someday? 💪

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to

Lulu700 wrote --- " ... You ll see a cure ..that new immunotherapy thing could save us all someday? 💪"

My doctor has been working on the IMMUNO THING for 8 years and is having some success but it comes with a cost. Wasn't that 100% colorectal remission just reported ONLY $11,000 per dose every 3 weeks for 6 months?

in reply to addicted2cycling

I’m not sure , but immunotherapy sure holds some hope! How long have they used Lupron ? At least 40 yrs or more . Something new is called for ! Especially for our younger members ! 🤙🏽💪

E2-Guy profile image
E2-Guy in reply to addicted2cycling

Wow, that's only $88,000!

j-o-h-n profile image

Try being "a sexy boy Thailand".....Six months on, Six months off.....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 06/10/2022 6:51 PM DST

in reply to j-o-h-n

! So that’s what you’ve been doing lately ! 😂

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to

Yep me and "the boys in the band".....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 06/10/2022 10:12 PM DST

E2-Guy profile image
E2-Guy in reply to j-o-h-n

Don't I wish?

great question ron. I’ve been a regional touring musician doing covers for 25yrs as a career. When this shit got me my ability to perform was ravaged and I’ve only been able to sustain 1/2 of my gig schedule uncomfortably. SS compensation at age 48 was laughable and apparently it’s an all or nothing proposition . I have a 13yo and 11yo so I have no choice but to suffer through it and figure out new ways to stay in the game. I for one am extremely grateful for the social safety net programs we have here in the US. It’s unfortunate that because it’s targeted politically no one wins. Those who need it have to jump through ridiculous hoops to get a fraction of what’s necessary and those who are against it, lose because guys like me who still wants to work are only given the binary choice.


E2-Guy profile image
E2-Guy in reply to No_stone_unturned

I'm sorry to hear about what this shit has done to your life Fubar, especially at such an early age! You mentioned "social safety net programs" which I'm not familiar with? I'm currently living on my SS of $1,100/month which isn't easy. If I was an illegal immigrant I would probably be getting twice that amount. Fortunately I'm able to survive here in Thailand since the cost of living is a fraction of what it is in The US. I would be living under a bridge if I moved back to America.

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