A few weeks ago I was in the emergency room at my local hospital because I could not urinate anything but a few blood clots. The pain was unbearable until they could catheterize me with the out being red urine and many large blood clots. The only trigger I could think of was straining for a difficult bowel movement a short time before. I think I lost a lot of blood since my hematocrit etc was down 10%. I stayed overnight after the urologist aggressively irrigated the bladder. No further bleeding was evident later that evening. A CT scan of kidneys was normal. A cystoscopy 10 days later showed radiation cystitis from salvage radiation 6 years prior and this was the first episode I every had. I could see the blood vessels prominently near the part of the bladder closest to where the prostate was and my medical oncologist had advised that these blood vessels become more fragile overtime due to radiation.
I asked my urologist about learning to self catheterize and he advised against it, even as an emergency measure. I enjoy cruises and he said most ships are equipped like a community hospital and would have catheters available. But I worry about being on a 7 hours plane trip if this happens. I also wonder what other possible triggers there are that could bring this on. I have not found much online that is helpful. Nor do I know about frequency of occurrence or repeated occurrences.
Appreciate thoughts on this troubling topic.