Question about Tahini. Also revisiti... - Advanced Prostate...

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Question about Tahini. Also revisiting Golden flax seeds.

GeorgeGlass profile image
62 Replies

Is Tahini good or bad or neutral for men with APC. I've been eating a lot of no-added oil hummus and I want to know if the tahini in it, is a risk for feeding the cancer.

I remember someone saying flax seeds should be avoided even though they are high in Omega 3 fatty acids. I'd like to eat them in order to counter the high omega-6 levels in nuts. Walnuts have the best ratio of 6 to 3 but that ratio is still fairly high, at a 4 to 1 ratio.

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GeorgeGlass profile image
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62 Replies

Seems like a healthy food. I don't eat tahini but I grind up organic sesame seeds.

dhccpa profile image
dhccpa in reply to

Why do you grind sesame seeds? Can't they be chewed?

in reply todhccpa

I like to blend them up with whey protein and frozen fruit. I've had them whole but I guess I don't chew them up enough - they pass through...

dhccpa profile image
dhccpa in reply to

I understand.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply todhccpa

I eat them on oatmeal.

dhccpa profile image
dhccpa in reply toGeorgeGlass

Whole or ground?

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply todhccpa

Whole is usually the best bet with seeds and grains. It’sok if their ground too, just don’t add oil to the ground powder. Many oils are harmful. Watch the documentary: Forks Over Knives on streaming tv.

dhccpa profile image
dhccpa in reply toGeorgeGlass


GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply todhccpa

No problem D.

I eat tons of humus. I hope it’s not bad for you. I also eat nuts every day after dinner

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toStayingOptimistic

I eat nuts too but like seeds, they should be consumed in relatively small quantities, like two handfuls per day total maximum.

cesces profile image

What is the tahini made from?

NOCanceros profile image
NOCanceros in reply tocesces

HiFrom sesame seeds

Cooolone profile image

Ehhhh, such a well worn topic. There's so much to discuss about diet and cancer... There benefit or lack thereof. I'll not open that box...

But that said, I will say that Tahini is a no go, if you have a history of Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones! Lol... You can ask me about that! Lol

pjoshea13 profile image

The Omega-3 fatty acids of interest are α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA & DHA can only be obtained from marine sources & are considered to be the desirable omega-3 oils

Vegans, while agreeing that EPA/DHA are desirable, often claim that the body can convert ALA into EPA/DHA, but the amounts are insignificant.

PCa studies associate high ALA with aggressive disease. It seems that the "bad" omega-6 - linoleic acid [LA] - is protectective against ALA, but men with high ALA often have low LA.

I believe that Dr. Myers advised against walnuts because of the ALA content. He wrote a book intended to steer men away from flaxseed & ALA.


homer13 profile image
homer13 in reply topjoshea13

Correct regarding walnuts and flax. I am 95% sure that Dr. Myers said that sesame seeds were ok. Can someone confirm my recollection. I believe I ask that question in regards to tahini.

pjoshea13 profile image
pjoshea13 in reply tohomer13

The lignan sesamin has anti-PCa properties [1] [2] [3].

Regarding tahini, oil is added to ground sesame seeds. The safety of the tahini likely depends on the oil. I wouldn't worry about the seeds.





GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply topjoshea13

Haig’s hummus says “no oil added” so hopefully they don’t add oil to their tahini before adding to the hummus mixture.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply topjoshea13

Here’s another interesting ala article. Maybe the issue with ala is that some men are investing it with oils in mayonnaise etc. Might not be harmful to eat a flat teaspoon of organic flax seeds per day?

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply topjoshea13

Maybe snuffy myers ala thesis was based on available information at the time but might see it differently now? That’s basically what this article says:

pjoshea13 profile image
pjoshea13 in reply toGeorgeGlass

I wonder what effect Myers' little book had on behaviour of diagnosed men. I never read his book, but I was aware of Giovannucci's early work on ALA 18 years ago. At that time there were many men who still ground flax seeds every morning. You don't hear about guys doing that so much these days.

Just wondering if the case against ALA fizzled when men with PCa started to avoid it?


homer13 profile image
homer13 in reply topjoshea13

Not referring to a book, just a conversation a few years ago.PJ, you refer to oil being add to sesame seeds. Why kind of oil are you referring to. Most tahini that I am aware of is just ground sesame and salt.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply tohomer13

Yes, true, but some of the store brands as cheap, overheated, oxidized oils to make it “creamier”.

pjoshea13 profile image
pjoshea13 in reply tohomer13

From the Food Network:

"What Is Tahini Made Of?

Tahini is made of three ingredients: hulled sesame seeds, oil and sometimes salt. Hulled sesame seeds are typically toasted then ground and emulsified with oil to create a smooth, creamy seed butter ..."

If one could skip the oil ...


pjoshea13 profile image
pjoshea13 in reply tohomer13


There is an Israeli brand that shows tahini pouring from the jar. The label only lists sesame seeds. Is that possible? I suspect they finesse the problem by adding sesame oil. Not so bad.


homer13 profile image
homer13 in reply topjoshea13

PJ, thanks for the research. Mine is Organic Tahini from Whole Foods - Store brand - 365, from Israel. You described it correctly above with no added oil. The food network describing Tahini as having added oil does the public no good without describing what kind of oil that is.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply tohomer13

Agreed. Look at sabra. It has shit ton of bad oils in it.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply topjoshea13

Haig’s hummus claims that they add ground seeds without adding any oil.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply topjoshea13

Very well could be Patrick. It’s kind of a small close-knit group. Some level of group-think too.

CAMPSOUPS profile image

I cant take it anymore. Are we really going to discuss f'ing hummus as related to PC!While amongst our brotherhood/sisterhood brothers are burning thru treatments and the end of life is near we care to live in la la land and talk about hummus as good or bad for us. Jesus Christ man. Unbelievable.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toCAMPSOUPS

Samnabe and campssoup, you are both making soup-sandwich comments.Neither of you are good nor useful for this site. It's naive to think that SOC is the only thing relevant to cancer. Many studies have proven that food and herb intakes help some in their fight against cancer. If you don't believe that, tough cookies, the evidence is there. You just choose to ignore it. I feel empathy and love for those who are near end of life, but not everyone on her is as close to death, so we have more options to help slow our cancer. People wouldn't waste their time on this site, if they didn't have APC. This is a freedom of speech forum. It's not censorship central, based on bias fascism, like it is on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in etc. I'm sure you are frustrated and angry about your cancer, we are all unhappy about it. Instead of lashing out, just don't read the articles, which you are not interested in. It's that simple. I will pray for you to give you more patience and acceptance of others, and their own pursuits of healing.

YYJguy profile image
YYJguy in reply toGeorgeGlass

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toCAMPSOUPS

Do you think this is unbelievable? SOC -

Medical errors should also include when doctors did exactly SOC but still kill people, when they would have lived without any care. This probably happens even more frequently than the medical mistake deaths. I've seen medicine and medical procedures kill at least six people who were friends and family of mine. Open your eyes and expand your thinking.

in reply toGeorgeGlass

Those who don't need the SOC to survive feel free to be critical of it and undermine other's confidence in it.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to

Your analysis is flawed. I never said that SOC has no value, but it is far from perfect and not the only option in town. People who find their way to this site should be smart enough to read ask the articles and talk to their doctors to decide how they want to proceed. We don’t need narrow thinking people like you trying to protect everyone. You’re doing more harm than good.

in reply toGeorgeGlass

If following the science based on randomized clinical trials is "narrow minded", then I guess I'm narrow minded.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to

Yes, i agree with your self assessment regarding narrow mindedness. Big pharma corporations have no incentive to do double blind studies on inexpensive food and natural herbs. Small studies have proven their effectiveness in some prostate cancer patients so if you ignore that, it’s narrow thinking in my assessment.

j-o-h-n profile image

You're absolutely right........... a couple of guys offered me money to stop posting....(still debating)...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 05/17/2022 6:24 PM DST

in reply toj-o-h-n

Buy me Mickydees and I'll stop posting on every website.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to

Do you want a Big Mac or quarter pounder with cheese. Used to savor those from time to time. I’m sure John will join us.

in reply toGeorgeGlass

I remember those days. When I was in High School my parents would have a date night every Friday and give me $5 for dinner. Sigh... Workout and then watch The Dukes of Hazzard while savoring a big mac or a quarter pounder with cheese, a side of fries, and a chocolate milkshake. Teenage metabolism is sky-high. I used to eat 10,000 cals a day! Raw sugar, whole milk, and pots of rice and beans were my staples.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to

10k. Holy cow. I ate a lot too including many MREs while in the army. I wonder if i approached 10k on occasion. Damage starts early in life but we don’t realize it. That stuff tasted great though. Milkshakes yum.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply toGeorgeGlass


Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 05/18/2022 12:11 PM DST

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toj-o-h-n

I never liked mcd fries very much. I like waffle or steak fries but i mostly eat sweet potato chunks i cook in the air fryer

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply toGeorgeGlass

I like my own fries......actually Lyonnaise Potatoes which I haven't fried in a very long time.... My wife uses air fryer I use stove top....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 05/18/2022 5:47 PM DST

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toj-o-h-n

I always knew you were a French wannabee ;)

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply toGeorgeGlass

Many years ago I was with my French friend walking past the first floor of an apartment building on a summer night and peered through an open window and saw a couple making love in the missionary position. I said to my friend, hey look that couple is making love...... and he responded with his French accent "and I must say very poorly".....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 05/18/2022 6:15 PM DST

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to


Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 05/18/2022 12:09 PM DST

GeorgeGlass profile image

Samnabe and campssoup, you are both making soup-sandwich comments. If you don't like my comments or other guys comments, then find another group to discuss your limited viewpoints. Neither of you are good nor useful for this site. It's naive to think that SOC is the only thing relevant to cancer. Many studies have proven that food and herb intakes help some in their fight against cancer. If you don't believe that, tough cookies, the evidence is there. You just choose to ignore it. I feel empathy and love for those who are near end of life, but not everyone on her is as close to death, so we have more options to help slow our cancer. Making statements that people on this site don't have APC is just your anger talking. People wouldn't waste their time on this site, if they didn't have APC. This is a freedom of speech forum. It's not censorship central, based on bias fascism, like it is on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in etc. One more thing Soupy - you should pray to Jesus, not use his name in vain. I'm sure you are frustrated and angry about your cancer, we are all unhappy about it. Instead of lashing out, just don't read the articles, which you are not interested in. It's that simple. Don't be so easy to be triggered like many of today's snowflakes. I will pray for you to give you more patience and acceptance of others, and their own pursuits of healing.

GeorgeGlass profile image


Medical errors should also include when doctors did exactly SOC but still kill people, when they would have lived without any care. This probably happens even more frequently than the medical mistake deaths. I've seen medicine and medical procedures kill at least six people who were friends and family of mine. Open your eyes and expand your thinking.

By the way, guys post links on this site to help other guys in their cancer fight. I've only seen one guy on this site who appeared to be trying to sell something, but after years of communicating with him, it became obvious that he was just helping others as well. Don't be overly cynical. This isn't Instagram. People aren't going to come to some small population cancer site to target people with marketing.

MJCA profile image
MJCA in reply toGeorgeGlass

Dude it’s freaking CANCER people are going to die. You just missed the whole crux of the conversation. It’s basically this George- who gives a flying f*ck about how tahini affects PC? Is eating hummus going to get rid of the cancer? Is eating hummus going to improve the life of someone with Stage IV and on chemo? Get real.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toMJCA

All the people that replied care. That’s who. If you don’t care about healthy eating that helps the immune system slow the spread of cancer, then that’s you’re choice. Nobody is forcing you to read my post. There are allot of fascists like you guys these days. Take your fascism and your ignorance somewhere else. I’m not going to listen to your narrow mindedness. You fight your cancer how you want and I’ll fight mine with all tools available. I don’t know what country you’re from, but in America we still have freedom of speech, and since freedom of treatment. I’m not stage 4 and I’m not on chemo. Open your mind. Maybe your new to this forum.

MJCA profile image
MJCA in reply toGeorgeGlass

Only insecure, unintelligent individuals resort to name calling. I am a native Californian, quite liberal in my thinking. I have had this friggin’ disease going on 17 years. So, I think my “fascist” ways are working. And it’s not “your” it’s “you’re” and it’s “a lot” NOT “allot”. In the future, I suggest you spell check AND grammar check your posts

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toMJCA

You’re not my graduate school professor or my school teacher, so you’ll get what Google interprets, from the swyping of my thumb. If you have something useful to write then I’d proofread. Watching the hockey game was a higher priority than your opinion. You don’t have a double blind study proving that you’ve done anything special to make it to 17 years. I’ve seen 400 pound people walking around in their 80s. Some people just have better genes or reactions to medicine. It’s always good to see men on here live a long time but don’t pat yourself on the back unless you did something outside the box. Your fascist ways may have helped you but they might not help many of the men on this site. To the contrary, insecure, unintelligent men often try to bully and censor like you and your buddies did tonight, expressing their anger, and believing their anger is more important than what others want to discuss. And is not my business where you live or what your politics are although I am sorry to see how your city has fallen apart with crime, drugs and homelessness. Nonetheless, I only care about your behavior on this site and the uninformed comments you make.

GeorgeGlass profile image

You decide what you want to believe in and what you want to worship. I won’t try to tell you what to do. I just ask for you to respect the Lord. Just like I ask you to respect my pursuit of healthy eating to build a stronger gut, which supports ADT for longer cancer suppression and longer life. If you don’t believe that, that’s your choice. I don’t tell you what treatments to get or what foods to eat, so stop trying so hard to tell others what to do and to say. If you are such a strong supporter of SOC and no other supplemental actions, then why didn’t you get a psa test before your psa level was 1650? Why are you so triggered by men trying to be proactive with their care. The thing that guys like you do is assume that many men are too stupid to be able to do soc and try to do other things simultaneously, like exercise and healthy diet, supplements etc. Guys like me on this site, are never saying to skip SOC. Complimentary measures are helpful in many men. I’m not sure why you can understand this. Maybe this is why:

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply toGeorgeGlass

" If you are such a strong supporter of SOC and no other supplemental actions, then why didn’t you get a psa test before your psa level was 1650?"

You don't have a bio I guess again you are gods gift to our forum so you dont think its necessary.

A man's initial diagnosis is a devastating event so you with no bio pray on those with bio's to degrade, insult, make assumptions about something that was a tragic time in their life.

That speaks volumes to your selfish, self-righteous ego taking precedence over compassion.

You might want to delete that reply. You hung out your laundry for all to see.

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toCAMPSOUPS

I did not read your reply because it will just lead to more arguing. It’s not worth the stress, for you or me. Go for a walk or a swim man. Enjoy yourself. If i said anything that upset you, then I apologize. Let’s not argue anymore. It’s not worth our time. Just let me post my food related posts. You don’t need to read them. Everyone should know eating is complementary to soc. I’m not reading your replies so don’t waste your energy.

I don't want to get in the middle of this fighting. But I do feel that I am a grown man and am capable of processing information. So if you post about tahini, fine. If you post about a SOC chemo treatment, fine. I'm a big boy (and have big cancer :) )

MSTI profile image
MSTI in reply to


GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply to

Exactly, everyone on this site is a grown man.

SViking profile image

So suddenly now I should be concerned with ground flaxseed? I’ve been eating two healthy tablespoons of this on my blueberries every morning for several years. Thatwas based on many recommendations. Now there is evidence that consuming ground flaxseed is bad for prostate cancer?

GeorgeGlass profile image
GeorgeGlass in reply toSViking

I have not seen any evidence that is bad. That’s why I posted the question. The discussion went into the nutrients in flax seeds, which ALA is one of them. I posted a link from an analysis of studies, which showed that scientists thought ALA was bad for prostate cancer pre-psa era but since the psa testing era, there was no evidence of it being bad. If you’re eating organic sesame seeds in low doses then it’s probably not bad in anyway, and it should have some health benefits. SV, Read this

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