When I pee I lean my head against the wall behind the toilet to stabilize myself. I did this in an unfamiliar bathroom and hit my sternum against a shelf pretty hard but not that hard. I think I cracked my sternum because it is quite painful. Have been on ADT about a year. Does it sound like osteoporosis?
Breaking bones: When I pee I lean my... - Advanced Prostate...
Breaking bones

I think it's worth talking with your doctor about. An MRI would reveal any hairline fractures. There is also a procedure to measure bone density, and evaluate you for osteoporosis.
Talk with your doctor to get a DEXA scan to determine bone density. Since you hit hard ii is not considered a fragility fracture. If the T value in the DEXA is at -2.5 it will be considered osteoporosis and treatment with denosumab or zoledronic may be indicated.
I can tolerate the pain and there is nothing to do about a hairline so I am not going to get an mri bur a decade scan makes sense. I did not hit hard enough that I should have sustained a fracture under normal conditions
Don't guess. Get a DEXA scan.
I had a dexa scan yesterday, it’s been many years since the last time. This one includes a trabecular score , especially for the lumbar region. I read it has something to do with the bone micro architecture. Do you know how to combine the BMD score and the trabecular score to get combined fracture risk score?
All I have is this calculator:
You have to purchase this to calculate the adjustment:
I have a decxa scan every 2 years , very quick and non invasive /no traces etc . Mine showed my score at -1,1 , apparently normal range is +1 to -1 so I have been consistently a hairs breadth over “normal” . As such I am told I have osteopenia (early stage osteoporosis).
Apparently osteopenia makes me twice as likely to break a bone than normal (I am only just in the scale though) . I was put on calcichew and zolondronic acid . The latter made my teeth all feel uncomfortable so came off that 3 years ago and only in calcichew . My score has not changed , I run trail races and fall over often by tripping on roots/stones but to date have never broken a bone ..
Doctors aren't real keen on recommending supplements. I suggest that you consider taking vitamin K2 for bone health. I take a vit K2 supplement that also includes nattokinase, from Vitacost.
Your sternum is cartilege so probably not but you can always ask for a bone scan to be sure.
just looked it up and sternum is a flat bone that is connected to ribs with cartilage. is sure does not feel like cartilage and feels broken/ i broke my shoulder once and it felt like this but much worse. i have broken other bones and have an idea what a broken bone feels like.
Yes, sorry. I wasn't thinking and didn't know if I could edit or delete my reply. There are various other things like your nose that are cartilege but sternum is bone.
Next time remember that sitting is not always for . . . . . . . .
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/08/2022 7:14 PM DST
I'm tall and my aim is sometimes off. Unless you have a urinal then sitting, while not 'macho', works, at least for me. After a number of retention episodes I'm thankful that I can pee at all.

That brings up a fact, when Officers of corporations want to keep their male staff on their toes, they raise all the urinals a few inches.....
Yep. I agree, easy to pee, time for a jubilee.......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/09/2022 2:41 PM DST
Get a scan.
was alcohol involved? 🤔

are you referring to my original post about hitting the shelf? No alcohol, just unfamiliar space and it was pretty dark as was the shelf and I wear progressive glasses so ???
Hey guy! There is now Nothing normal about us with no t and on adt . The muscle then the bones and teeth go . I went into osteopenia after yrs no t using adt . The6 put me on prolia . Two yrs later a non displace anterior l3 rib fracture showed in nuke scan last yar . I’m getting the new scans read to me Tuesday again . Prolia doesn’t help the joints any . My joints lit up on the scan , all joint S . It’s systematic djd fir me now . So Why after years of prolia are my bones breaking ? It doesn’t work . 👎