Air/oxygen shortage.: One more question... - Advanced Prostate...

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Air/oxygen shortage.

Catfish21 profile image
24 Replies

One more question. Now I do not feel enough air when I breath even if use deep breathing. I do not have any tight feeling in my chest. My yesterday exam at the emergency room did not find any problems with my cardiovascular and lung systems. I use hydrocodone-acetaminophen 10-325 mg to reduce my bone pain for ~2 moths. Could this air shortage relate to hydrocodone-acetaminophen usage. Could this medicine suppress the breathing center? I usually use min doses to reduce pain. Active walking slightly facilitates air shortage, probably, due to the increase in blood circulation. Thank you.

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Catfish21 profile image
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24 Replies

Did you have any imaging of your lungs done?

Catfish21 profile image
Catfish21 in reply to

Yes, I did CT scan at the emergency room. No changes in the lungs.

CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Catfish21

CT report didnt mention any lung nodules, emphysemic nodes, etc ?

Hydrocodone being an opiate can definitely cause respirations to decrease.

Death from heroin overdose is cessation of breathing. Patient is blue from lack of Oxygen.

But you don't seem to be taking near a large enough dose to affect breathing but I don't know?

Catfish21 profile image
Catfish21 in reply to CAMPSOUPS

Thank you for response, Campsoups. Air shortage is usually felt during night, after 10-12 h after hydrocodone intake. I did not feel it at least for 2 month hydrocodone intake.

tango65 profile image

Do you have anemia? What is your oxygen saturation, blood pressure and heart rate? Do you have swelling in the ankles? Can you go up and own stairs without any problem?

""I do not feel enough air when I breath even if use deep breathing.""

I you do deep breathing and still you are out of air, you could have pulmonary and bronchial problems (COPD) ,pneumonia, asthma etc., heart failure or significant anemia or the 3 together. It seems these problems were not found in the ER. It seems to me that if you can do deep breathing exercises the opiates are not blocking your respiratory center.

Catfish21 profile image
Catfish21 in reply to tango65

Oxygen saturation was 94-97 measured yesterday at the emergency room. But this time, I feel better.

Catfish21 profile image
Catfish21 in reply to Catfish21

High pressure is high 158/90, pulse 82, sweating or chili.Probably it could be a result of hydrocodone withdrawal after 2 months. Before I used as prescribed 1 tab every 6-10 h. Now I try to use only 1 tab/day.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply to tango65

With my PCa and COPD, I needed an oxymeter that could record. I found Lookee(c) and I discovered that my O2 sat was normal 90-97% but at night it would go down to 75%.I was tested and I have 33% of Sleep Apnea. So I show my record to my chest doctor and save myself a Sleep Apnea test and a CPAP machine.

tango65 profile image
tango65 in reply to doc1947g

I assume you are using a CPAP machine when sleeping since you have significant decrease in the Hb oxygen saturation.

doc1947g profile image
doc1947g in reply to tango65

At 33% I do not need a CPAP machine,

tango65 profile image
tango65 in reply to doc1947g

With a O2 hemoglobin saturation of 75, the PaO2 during the apnea episodes , the amount of oxygen available to the cells is reduced to 45%- 50% which is about half or less than in normal situations.

If you use the saturation drops as indicative apnea/hypopneas , the AHI (apnea hypopnea index) of 33% indicates a severe AHI index.

It seems to me you are having many episodes of apnea associated with significant desaturation (hypoxemia) when you sleep.

Perhaps you should consult with a different pulmonary doctor.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to doc1947g

At a glance , it definitely does seem like you need a cpap machine. But … apena is measured in AHI , Apnea hypoxia index . Anything above a ahi of 5 or more combined events per night , you need a cpap. Apena is a serious thing that can dramatically impact your QOL. ( and body systems health ) in a major way. ( without my cpap machine, I have events over 540 times a night with an AHI rating of 87 .. this is considered extreme- severe. If you desaturate 33% at night due to apnea, that would be considered “ severe “ level apnea and require immediate attention ) .

Go to your respiratory clinic or sleep lab at your medical center / provider and get the little box you bring home and sleep with it overnight. It’s extremely simple and works great. Sounds like you have a serious case of hypoxia going at night , you should get this taken care of soon. Your oxygen dropping to 75% is , frankly , alarming.

It’s important to note that the awful ( agitation ,anger , panic attacks etc. ) mental effects that apena / sleep deprivation can bring on …. Will impact your state of mental health considerably. A brain consistently deprived of oxygen is not a happy brain. It can and ( for many ) will kill you. Apnea kills 40,000 people a year directly and tens of thousands more annually due to things like heart attack, organ failure etc. …brought on by oxygen deprivation.

If you start experiencing the apnea side effects and ( keeping with this post ), the scary mental side effects that opiate use can bring. …. The sum total can result in “ extremely “ sacry and unpleasant panic attacks , ….. so severe that you might think you can’t breathe anymore ( never mind your oximeter says you are OK ) and / or are ( erroneously ) having a powerful heart attack . I’ve had this happen and send me to the E.R. in an ambulance …. Twice. Now , tho, I’m expecting it and experienced and take care of it myself with a benzo . Xanax will instantly crush my panic attack and make everything copacetic.

It doesn’t cost anything to go get your overnight test device and get checked out …. When you have the symptoms you do, sounds like you’d better do it soon. Anything under 90% saturation should start to make you nervous, but 75% is downright scary .. just say’in . Good luck brother.


What I’ve posted is purely my own personal experience, I’m not a doctor and don’t even play one on TV. Always check with your medical support team for their advice as being the final word . You trust them with your life, trust their advice.

Buy an oximeter


cesces profile image
cesces in reply to

Probably not a bad idea. But they already measured him and it was ok.

So whatever is causing this feeling, it's unlikely to be oxygen levels.

Schwah profile image
Schwah in reply to cesces

I agree get an oximeter. If nothing else it will ease your anxiety about not getting enough oxygen to your lungs if you see a reading north of 95. When I had COVID having that oximeter to check my oxygen was very calming.


Catfish21 profile image

Thanks guys

Campollo007 profile image
Campollo007 in reply to Catfish21

Hi, get yourself tested for sleep apnea. That will not be obvious during the day, but can have a significant effect on your well being.

JPOM profile image

withdrawal from opioids is a rough deal. drink shitloads of water, eat right, keep exercising.

Catfish21 profile image

You are right, guys. Probably I have opioid withdrawal symptoms after heave usage. It is a great idea to buy oximeter. Thank you.

Kaliber profile image

One take might be this:

Judging from what I’m reading , Catfish , you may just be experiencing the standard vike breathlessness that develops after you use hydrocodone for a while. It can happen to most anybody - everybody …. And often accompanied by uneasy or unpleasant mental issues as well…. Even mild panic disorder in some people. If you need the vikes then make sure you don’t forget to use them every 4-5 hours …. plus ask your docs for some .250 mg Xanax …. and buy one of those inexpensive finger oximeters from Amazon. The Xanax can magically make the breathlessness disappear and relax you from the “ come down “ jitters ( mental issues ) as the opioid wears off. When you think you aren’t breathing properly, just slip on your finger the oximeter and see that your spo2 is in the 96-99 range as well. That little oximeter can be VERY reassuring, showing you that the perceived lack of oxygen is totally in your head. Then that’s where the Xanax comes into play. After a while having the breathless thing materialize and seeing your oxygen is fine … you’ll come to feel more comfortable with this common opiate situation. You could think of the breathlessness situation as your body reminding you ( in a rude and scary way ) ….. to take your vikes again. 😁

This is just my take … I experience what I’ve mentioned above on a daily basis , sometimes, and this is how I deal with it. This is just one possibility , of course, but it seems to closely resemble your stated circumstances. Of course, always speak with your medical care team for the last word with anything to do with your treatment… you trust them with your life, trust their advice. Times like this, tho, people like me have more first hand experience with issues like this than they do.

Hope this tidbit of info is useful Catfish , … you’ll have more interesting and more extreme little tidbits of experience crop up with those opiates as time passes … this is just one of the minor issues . Nevertheless, those opiates are or can be a QOL game changer and their positive contribution cannot be overstated. IMHO , well worth those ugly little side effects that crop up now and then.

Best wishes ❤️❤️❤️

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to Kaliber

Between us a genius.....😀

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 03/14/2022 5:58 PM DST

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to j-o-h-n

Lol ❤️❤️❤️

Catfish21 profile image
Catfish21 in reply to Kaliber

Thanks a lot Kaliber. Your advice is invaluable. Finally, many of us will have deal with opioids.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Catfish21

Seems like every medicine we get as APCa guys …has some heavy baggage with it, doesn’t it. Those old days of “ take two aspirin and I’ll see you in the morning “ are gone forever. Thanks for the great post , it has stimulated some great discourse and is way less gloomy than many posts are here , lately, brother.


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