What strategies have improved anemia?
Thanks to all contributors.
What strategies have improved anemia?
Thanks to all contributors.
It depends what caused it. Anemia is a symptom, not a disease.
Lean Grass Fed, Grass finished beef. OK--some will argue with this advice. Life Is Good, so is a nice steak sometimes..
Jack Sprat could eat no fat,
His wife could eat no lean;
And so betwixt them both,
They lick'd the platter clean.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 02/27/2022 6:59 PM EST
I’m glad you posted and hope to see some more answers. My oncologist just told me that I was very much anemic but just said to consume more legumes and liver. Doesn’t seem like much advice given that I’m extremely tired most if not all of the time.
I used to have anemia a few years ago. I resolved it somehow. I eat mixed leafy greens, Barry’ various vinegars, nuts, various fruits, egg whites, mushrooms, onions, garlic, hummus, veggies, hot sauce, beans sauerkraut, kimchi, pomegranate juice, matcha green tea powder, many other organic teas, organic, gluten free slow cook oatmeal, with various fruits and nuts. Everything is organic. I take a lot of supplements too. Melatonin helps fight anemia, plus the things Nal mentioned.
I’ve had low RBC and hemoglobin counts since radiation and ADT two and a half years ago, and I just found out last week they’re finally back in the normal range. I ate beef liver about once-twice/wk along with a good Mediterranean diet, and I think that helped.
Mine was due to low iron levels. Iron supplements did not help an iron infusion seems to have fixed it for now, hoping it lasts.
Dwight's wife here. I don't know if anyone is familiar with Ancestral Supplements. They offer freeze dried, grass fed beef organ supplements. For iron they recommend the Beef Liver and Spleen I believe. I am familiar with them because I take another one of their supplements.
I’ve used iron supplements for several years now. My local oncologist suggested them when I became anemic and they did the trick. I get iron levels checked regularly too, since too much can be a bad thing but that hasn’t been an issue. And yes, I eat red meat a couple times a week.
I also have anemia from my treatments and was looking at a possible transfusion last week. I put a similar question out to the group, which you can read here
I had a complete iron panel to look at the hemoglobin and stored iron. I had high storage of iron in my ferritin, and was concerned that it might come out of storage while I was supplementing, making my serum levels too high. My iron saturation was low, so I reasoned that supplements wouldn't create a dangerous serum level of iron. I took an oral supplement, which kept my hemoglobin from dropping lower after my chemotherapy treatment.