Husband is in the Lu-177 trial at university of Chicago. He has had very little side effects that we are aware of. Psa continues to drop from 25.0 to 0.58. He has completed 3 treatments He is scheduled for 6 treatments. Has anyone out there successfully completed six treatments ? And how long before you needed to start another treatment? Thank you!
LU-177: Husband is in the Lu-177 trial... - Advanced Prostate...

Hi CynthgobDid your husband have any prior treatment before starting LU177
I am in Australia have Gleeson 9 awaiting results PSMA Pet 2 days ago
Would like to consider LU177 as first treatment has anybody any experience
Yes he started out in six rounds of docetoxel. Then 2 1/2 years in zytiga. Now Lu-177. The trials are talking about using this treatment first in the states but I’m sure we are a long way off from that. The side effects have been so minimal on the latter. At least that’s how it seems for now. Good luck!
Last year, I had three LU-177 infusions as my first treatment option in New Delhi. Dr. Ishita Sen at Fortis Memorial used a higher dose of Lutetium in the initial treatments. First treatment in March with second in May. My third dose was in early August. PSA has dropped to 1.9 in December and NED for now. I'm fortunate as I responded well to this treatment.
Can I ask what treatment you are on now? Or do you wait until psa goes up?
Currently, I'm not on any treatments, other than nutritional supplements with dietary changes. Dr. Sen said to monitor PSA if it goes up again to consider getting a PSMA scan and then we would look at options.
What kind of supplements?
I learned about these from other folks on this site. Boron, Carnitine, Quercetin, Matcha/green tea, PectaSol-C, and Berberine. If you do a Google search for Boron+prostate cancer, Carnitine+prostate cancer, etc... you can review the research and science papers to see if it makes sense for you to supplement your diet with them.
Hi GregThank you very much
I had time to view you Youtube videos just prior to visiting my urologist to get the
results of my PSMA PET. Shows PC in Prostate, Lymph and Hip bones.
Tried to discuss Lu177 he was totally negative only wanted to discuss ADT & Chemo
Will be seeking another doctor
Thanks again reply could not have come at a better time
Australia seems to be one of the best places where LU-177 treatment and research appears to be advancing fairly quickly. You can always send your scans to Dr. Sen at Fortis to get a second opinion. Best to you, Ross.
Hi GregStill looking for new doctor
One local can not do LU as his MDT would not approve treatment until
i had other treatments HALF DEAD?
I was very interested in one of your replies 6months ago RE your PSA
going from 31 to 17 after IV antibiotics.
I have had 3 procedures in the last 15 months with IV antibiotics
and have reduced PC symptoms for several weeks after no PSA
checks, My wife said i even looked much better.
Seems IV antibiotics does do something to PC
India is not an option for me.
Have you checked on getting into a clinical trial in Australia? Here's a link to one of them:
Thanks Cynthgob! Go shy-town. It’s sounds good so far. God Bless🙏❤️