I had an RP in March of this year. The 3 psa tests I've had since then have been <0.1 my question my surgeon calls me intermediate risk, but according to my pathology report with T3a I think I'm high risk.
Final Diagnosis:
1. Periprostatic fat, excision:
- Adipose tissue with no tumor seen.
2. Right peri vesicle bundle margin, excision:
- Fibroconnective tissue and nerves only; no tumor seen.
- Prostatic epithelium is not identified.
3. Prostate and seminal vesicles, prostatectomy:
- Prostatic adenocarcinoma, Gleason's score 7 (4+3) [Grade Group 3].
- The adenocarcinoma invades into thick intersecting smooth muscle bundles
at the right base, consistent with bladder neck
- Lymphovascular invasion is not identified.
- Seminal vesicles with no tumor seen.
- Resection margins are negative for carcinoma; adenocarcinoma is less
than 0.001 cm to the right base margin (see part #2).
4. Right pelvic lymph nodes, excision:
- No tumor seen in three lymph nodes (0/3).
5. Left pelvic lymph nodes, excision:
- No tumor seen in six lymph nodes (0/6).
Report Name: Prostate - Radical Prostatectomy
Status: Submitted
Part(s) Involved:
3: Prostate and seminal vesicles
Synoptic Report:
Procedure: Radical prostatectomy
Histologic Type: Acinar adenocarcinoma
Histologic Grade
Grade Group and Gleason Score: Grade group 3 (Gleason Score 4 + 3 =
Percentage of Pattern 4: 65%
Extraprostatic Extension (EPE): Not identified
Urinary Bladder Neck Invasion: Present
Seminal Vesicle Invasion: Not identified
Treatment Effect: No known presurgical therapy
Margins: Uninvolved by invasive carcinoma
Lymph Nodes
Number of Lymph Nodes Involved: 0
Number of Lymph Nodes Examined: 9
Pathologic Stage Classification (pTNM, AJCC 8th Edition)
Primary Tumor (pT): pT3a
Regional Lymph Nodes (pN): pN0
CAP eCC February 2020 Annual Release
Gross Description:
Received in five parts
Source of Tissue: 1. Labeled #1, "periprostatic fat"
Gross Description: Received fresh labeled, "Thomas G. King, MR# 1213910,
periprostatic fat." It consists of multiple soft yellow-tan lobular
fibrofatty tissue fragments measuring 2.7 x 2.5 x 0.8 cm in aggregate. The
specimen is sectioned to reveal a soft yellow-tan lobular fibrofatty cut
surface. Entirely submitted in one block as 1A.
Source of Tissue: 2. Labeled #2, "right perivesical bundle margin"
Gross Description: Received fresh labeled, "Thomas G. King, MR# 1213910,
right perivesical
bundle margin." It consists of a soft red-brown
irregular tissue fragment measuring 0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1 cm. Entirely frozen in
one block as 2FS. The residual frozen section tissue is very tiny and may
not survive processing.
Source of Tissue: 3. Labeled #3, "prostate and seminal vesicles"
Gross Description: Received fresh labeled, "Thomas G. King, MR# 1213910,
prostate and seminal vesicles." It consists of a 21 gram, 3.0 x 2.5 x 2.5
cm red-tan hemorrhagic prostate with intact capsule, patent urethra, and
bilateral seminal vesicles and vasa deferentia. The right seminal vesicle
measures 3.2 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm, right vas 4.0 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm, left seminal
vesicle 3.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm, and left vas 4.5 0.5 x 0.5 cm. The right side
is inked black and the left side is inked blue and the specimen is
sectioned from apex to bladder neck to reveal tan-pink soft to firm
nodular cut surface. Sectioning of the bilateral semina
l vesicles and vasa
deferentia reveals tan fluid filled spaces. Representative sections are
submitted as designated for microscopic evaluation.
Designation of Sections: 3A- right apex, 3B- left apex, 3C- right base,
3D- left base, 3E- right anterior mid, 3F- right posterior mid, 3G-3H-
right posterior superior, 3I- left anterior mid, 3J- left posterior mid,
3K-3L- left posterior superior, M- right seminal vesicle and vas deferens,
3N- left seminal vesicle and vas deferens.
*Tumor and normal are given to Tumor Bank.
**90% of the specimen is submitted.
Source of Tissue: 4. Labeled #4, "right pelvic lymph nodes"
Gross Description: Received fresh labeled, "Thomas G. King, MR# 1213910,
right pelvic lymph nodes." It consists of a soft yellow-tan lobular
fibrofatty tissue fragment measuring 4.0 x 3.0 x 1.5 cm. The specimen is
sectioned to reveal three firm yellow-tan lymph nodes ranging from 0.3 cm
up to 1
.0 cm in diameter. The specimen is entirely submitted in 4A-4C.
Designation of Sections: 4A- one bisected lymph node, 4B- two small lymph
nodes, 4C- remaining fibrofatty tissue entirely submitted
Source of Tissue: 5. Labeled #5, "left pelvic lymph nodes"
Gross Description: Received fresh labeled, "Thomas G. King, MR# 1213910,
left pelvic lymph nodes." It consists of a soft yellow-tan lobular
fibrofatty tissue measuring 4.5 x 3.5 x 2.0 cm. The specimen is sectioned
to reveal multiple firm yellow-tan lymph nodes ranging from 0.5 cm up to
2.2 cm in diameter. The specimen is entirely submitted in 5A-5D.
Designation of Sections: 5A-5B- one large bisected lymph node in each
cassette, 5C- four small lymph nodes, 5D- remaining fibrofatty tissue
entirely submitted
RA/mm 3/30/21 2300
Intraoperative Diagnosis:
2FS: Fibrous tissue and
nerves, no tumor seen.
Intraoperative Pathologist: Douglas B. Flieder, MD
Pathology Fellow: Ashley Lentini, MD
Pathologist(s): Min Huang, MD, PhD
Electronically Signed By Min Huang, MD, PhD
4/1/2021 18:38
This case has been personally examined and interpreted by the attending