A small trial but if ADT fails perhap... - Advanced Prostate...
A small trial but if ADT fails perhaps something to look into.
RSH,Re: Itraconozole.
I read through it, saw the 2 goals of study: % of men w 25% or less PSA Advance at 6 mos, and secondarily men w a 50% reduction in PSA. 2 groups: 200mg 1x/day, or 300mg 2x/day=600mg.
BUT…I do not see results? Is that because study is ongoing?
I see John Hopkins & MSK running it.
It's a small study and wasn't placebo-controlled. I'm not sure how much stock I would put in this tiny study. But if I had metastatic CRPC I'd at least look into it.
Results of high dose vs. low dose:
To Determine the Proportion of Patients With Metastatic CRPC Who do Not Have Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Progression After 24 Weeks of Therapy With One of Two Dose-levels of Itraconazole: 200 mg or 600 mg Daily.
Low dose 12%
High dose 48%
To Determine the Proportion of Men With ≥ 50% PSA Reduction From Baseline.
Low dose 0%
High dose 14%

Thanks RSH,Didn’t read it as result. Something anyway. Side effects similar to ADT. Strange about Anorexia ? I think of that more as a body image issue rather than hunger disorder.
Ketoconazole..sister of Itraconzole has been used in the past to block CYP.17 enzymes. These -Zoles are anti fungal medicines but they do what Zytiga does..block the enzyme needed for T synthesis.
From wikipedia:
"In the past decade, itraconazole has been explored as an anticancer agent for patients with basal cell carcinoma, non-small cell lung cancer, and prostate cancer.[11]
For example, in a phase II study involving men with advanced prostate cancer, high-dose itraconazole (600 mg/day) was associated with significant PSA responses and a delay in tumor progression.
Itraconazole also showed activity in a phase II trial in men with non-small cell lung cancer when it was combined with the chemotherapy agent, pemetrexed.[12][13][14] A recent review has also highlights its use topically and orally in conjunction with other chemotherapeutic agents for advanced and metastatic basal cell carcinomas that cannot be treated surgically.[15]"
In the study details it says " Itraconazole has been shown in cellular and animal models to be a potent angiogenesis inhibitor as well as a Hedgehog pathway antagonist; both pathways are considered important in prostate cancer. "
Why no phase 3 study? Perhaps lack of a sponsor. It would not be a big earner for the drug company!
Itraconazole does not appear to work by the same pathway as ketaconazole. Hedgehog signaling vs CYP17a inhibition. It does not lower testosterone levels as I recall. It might be a useful adjunct with minimal risk in APC. But it is off patent now (previously marketed for toenail fungus as Sporanox) so no money to finance a Phase 3 trial. Hard to source even though generic