From what I can find, it appears that darolutamide is only approved for non metastatic castrate resistant PC. My oncologist is looking at using it with Docetaxel for mcrpc. I'm in Canada. thanks.
Anyone on Nubeqa (darolutamide) with ... - Advanced Prostate...
Anyone on Nubeqa (darolutamide) with mets?

What you say is correct. I know a couple of men who have gotten an exemption when their oncologists made a case for it (e.g., history of seizures, trouble talking, falling, intolerable fatigue).
So I just had an anaphylactic reaction 7 minutes into my first IV chemotherapy..docetaxel…
And now they want to put me on darolutamide too…
Has it even been tested on metastatic patients?…. Or is this like a hell marry?
Sorry about the anaphylactic reaction - that's scary. A friend had an anaphylactic reaction to his last Lupron shot, of all things. I think it had something to do with his activated immune system from his Covid shot the week before, but I'm guessing.
Nubeqa is in clinical trials now for metastatic patients who are still hormone-sensitive.
I am on Nubeqa monotherapy and I am metastatic. It is not easy to persuade the insurance overlords to pay for it, but it can be done.
Do you have any side effects?
Nubeqa has the fewest side effects of just about any hormone based drug out there. The only side effect I have experienced is breast growth and pain, but I am taking Tamoxifen to control that, and it seems to be working well. The breast issues are probably a result of not being on ADT, and with T levels around 500, some of it is being converted to estrogen.