Welp, I wasn’t gonna do it, but no one else came forward. Today is the annual 4/20:day celebrating cannabis and medical cannabis. So today when you are medicating for your skeletal pains and body discomfort.... remember to have an extra toke, brownie or dab to give some extra relief and put that chain around the refrigerator. Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.
It’s 4/20 today, for all you guys tha... - Advanced Prostate...
It’s 4/20 today, for all you guys that use cannabis for pain management.

I don't use it for pain or sleep but that cartoon is pretty funny. Thanks!
Me neither ...... but I’ve seen it on TV and in every corner store here in town, some people consume in public down at the coffee shops ..... but Ive tried it once but didn’t inhale.
Same way up here, it doesn't bother me but my kid is 14 and thats something he will have to find out about without my help.
Yea I hear you. I think it causes young people to be lazy and lose a bit of their ability to focus - concentrate. Even young adults aren’t immune as well. Still , IMO, I’d rather see people using intoxicants use cannabis rather than alcohol. you never see people stoned in bar fights or rarely spousal abuse ... intoxicants are intoxicants I guess but possibly cannabis has fewer violent leanings.
I live in a upper middle class suburbia and when I fly one of my drones out of the back yard, probably every 4-5 out of ten homes have it growing in their back yard. Cannabis is a year round crop here with 3 harvests a year average. Keeping it away from a 14 year old would probably be impossible if they really wanted some. Stores all over town have it for sale in jars and wall hook rack packages.
Yeah I have friends that grow it here. I agree about cannabis causing less violence than alcohol IMO, its hard to think of one scenario where a stoned person is more likely to cause more havic than a mean or stupid drunk person.
Yea buddy, even the hammer can’t chew my arm off when she’s stoned yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.
Sometimes I wish I had been that mean or stupid drunk person.
Well, I might have been mean sometimes....
Kids will explore
4/20 is national cannabis day. 4/21 is national drug test day. 4/22 is national unemployment day.

Yayahahahaya yayahahahaya

Funny Cartoon. I agree with the chain around the refrigerator. My job as a nurse doesn’t allow for that . I could get away with in in the 70’s/80’s before drug testing came along . But not now.
Yea me too now. In an ironic twist of fate ......now ..... I can’t use it either. My federal opiate use contract prohibits it and Im tested at the end of every month ( during my monthly blood panels ) and randomly during the month. I had three surprise random urine tests last month alone. Yayahahahaya ( I have flunked a few in the past ). Ah well ... my wifey, the hammer, is “ totally” hammered right now .... couch lock it’s called yayahahahaya it works miracles for her osteoarthritis. Recreational Cannabis is totally legal here ... anyone over 21 can buy it off the wall racks, in stores, all over town.
This is none of my business and I don’t mean to pry, but why can’t you use medicinal or recreational cannabis if it’s legal in your state? It sounds like you could really benefit from it. Feel free to ignore this question if you don’t wish to reply.
There is a federal program requiring anyone in their war on opiates program to be under “ supervised “ use management. This supervision includes the “ opiates contract “ which anyone being prescribed large recurring amounts of opiates is required to sign. My Medical insurance as a retired government employee is thru OPM. Kaiser provides my OPM coverage under federal requirements. The bottom line is that I have to sign the opiates contract which I agree not to use a long list of drugs, the first on the list is marijuana. Additional elements of the program are numerous and random , both blood DAP and urine drug abuse panels. ( daps ) mental - physical addiction evaluations and several other supervisions. Since I’m on palliative care, Kaiser is rather lax on the psyc evaluations and about everything except the DAP tests. Those are strict. Not only am I not allowed to have prohibited substances, my permitted opiates “ must “ show in the concentrations prescribed on the med label, not allowed to have more or take less than prescribed. I may be required to be spot checked , randomly, to bring in my med bottles to count them to make sure I’m not selling them and make sure I have the proper amount on hand for that time of the month.
Even after surgery, Kaiser issues only between 7 -12 pain killer pills ... usually 7. Never refillable. If you need more pain relief, get Ibuprofen they say. I do get over 200 pain pills a month from Kaiser, their palliative pain management for me is very effective. It’s good but you can’t screw with it. Violation of the contract terminates my pain pill prescriptions.
You are right , cannabis would help immensely but ain’t gonna be happening. I have an extensive local co-op hydroponics grower - provider history ( legal ).
I do make OMG premium cannabis bud cooking flour ( cookies , brownies, pbj ) for my seriously osteoarthritic wife and it provides amazingly effective relief for her ... but even doing that I wear surgical gloves and gown out to prevent my skin absorbing that super powerful cannabis resin oil to prevent triggering my testing.
Of course I NEVER do anything that violates my state controlled - doctor prescribed and supervised medical pot card and / or state or local laws. 😊
Wow. Those rules are asinine, especially for someone in your condition. As if you don’t already have enough to worry about...
I don’t think it should apply to patients in palliative care .... you have it right brother. I should get DoorDash to go in and argue my case for me yayahahahaya
Thank you brother ❤️❤️❤️
Prior to APC I explored weed as a teen . Then only at an occasional
Party. I didn’t want to be slowed down. Boy, was I wrong . I began all forms of use upon dx and see no plan to ever stop it. I’m into the medicinal application and for daily relief of nausea , mood swings and the monotony of limited capacities. Two tickets to Colorado ain’t bad either. I like Telluride and Rocky My. NP..

I wish I could use it again. I know how much it would help with my physical discomforts. Maybe some day.
It is pure BS that you can’t by fed regs . They need to completely legalize it in every form and study it medically . Idiocy

Tell me about it yayahahahaya. My first Kaiser GP knew I used it and said “ considering my diagnosis “ he didn’t care if I did ( my medical team expected me to croak any minute back then 27 months ago ). When he retired my new , up and coming , conservative Indian doctor put the instant kibosh on it. Just covering her hind end ... can’t blame her I guess. She sprang 3 random surprise urine tests on me last month alone. 🦋🌸🌼🌻❤️❤️❤️
Maybe if it was taken off the Schedule 1 list?

I am right there with you. Needs to be changed at a National level. My palliative doctor has talked about a prescription for pain management.
However, with the current political climate, the industry I work in is already being targeted. I have Class 3 items in my house that give the ATF 24/7 unannounced access to my residence. I will not risk the potential issues that could arise should the government decide to cross reference one list with another....
It seems like things are loosening up gradually, maybe pretty soon on the financial stuff. Of course as a permit holding co- op grower ....In the prerecreational days, the state allowed up to $500 exchanged legally per medical card holder with the proper level of recommendation. A sanctioned co-op grower might hold the permits for as many as 25-50 or more patients depending upon the size of your facilities. This to cover fertilizers, electric costs, hardware costs etc. ... not for profit. You still couldn’t bank those funds / transactions... hydroponics grow stores were all cash and carry. Of course those times have passed into history with the advent of recreational cannabis now. None of that remains, today.
Legal dispensaries still have a heck of a time banking. Its why you see armed guards at thrm

Yea here in this county they have a private armored car service that is manned by real brinks trucks and ex marines carrying loaded guns. Serious stuff. There is massive money in that business. I still remember back a few years ago when the Feds busted that medical dispensary over on Clovis Blvd. they had a shelf in a huge safe with $500,000 cash stacked on it. Had pictures on the news. Wow.
Because they have the golden goose. Very true. But The governments love the taxes that they put on it. . Once they taste that , it’s not going back in the bag. The u s a is capitalist .. Some finally figured it out that sending billions to mex for bad weed wasn’t a great idea . Home grown is the way . Dispensaries are a cancer on poor people .

No one that wants cannabis goes without here in the AG capitol of the USA . It’s legal here to grow 6 plants at home and foot tall heavy sprouting super clones are $7 apiece all day, every day , delivered to your door. We get up to three home crops a year here. There is so much being grown in back yards, nearly given away on craigs list ( if you don’t care how pretty or what grade it is) and available from 157 driveway delivery services ( like pot DoorDash ) and brick and mortar stores that we are awash in bud here. Plus dab concentrates, shatter ,bho , vapes and about everything else is available all over the place. Short of handing it out free down at the homeless shelter I don’t see how there could be any more availability than seen around here. Colorado, Oregon, Nevada and Washington State about the same. Us old hippies never saw anything like this coming yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.😊😊😊😊
Or to Canada. It may be cold here sometimes, but we have a decent growing season.

Plus you guys had some of the best ever indoor hydroponic…and the “ go to “ place for seeds for many years. Yayahahahaya