Maintenance dose of Sildenafil for ED - Advanced Prostate...

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Maintenance dose of Sildenafil for ED

fireandice123 profile image
12 Replies

This may be old news but I wanted to put this out in case this is news. As most of you know ED is one of the more troubling side effects of ADT, at least it is for me. I had a chat with my urologist about it and he wanted to try putting me on a maintenance dose of Sildenafil (Viagra) to see if that would give me some relief. So I am taking 40 mg of Sildenafil daily regardless of whether there will be sex that day or even a hope of sex. I can bump up the dosage as needed. I have been pleasantly surprised to find that I am able to achieve a perfectly serviceable erection. Granted it is not of the quality or have the staying power of my pre-PC erections but it's certainly good enough to get the job done. My urologist is thrilled with the results.

It's certainly better than the alternative.

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fireandice123 profile image
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12 Replies
bluesnjazz profile image

Good for you. How do afford the hundreds of bucks a month for the vitamin V, though?

Cooolone profile image
Cooolone in reply to bluesnjazz


fireandice123 profile image
fireandice123 in reply to Cooolone

Absolutely GoodRx! Can get 90 20 mg pills for as low as 23 bucks.

Ron53 profile image

Thats encouraging news. I've been taking 20 mg a day for two years and have seen no benefit. Maybe I step it up to 40 mg a day for several months and see what happens. I purchase them thru my Oncologist at about $1.50 a pill (20g).

Cooolone profile image
Cooolone in reply to Ron53

The Viagra variant seems to work the least, and if you're having no response have you tried Cialis? For daily maintenance of course... Then there's the challenge dose side of this therapy. Again, sometimes the same drug, but at a response dose rather than maintenance. And sometimes using the opposite drug than the one you're taking. For example, 5mg Cialis daily for maintenance, then a 20mg challenge dose one day for response (must have w days between of attempted again). Or 5mg Cialis daily with a 100mg Viagra challenge dose for response.

Viagra and Cialis work differently, and Cialis builds up and stays in your blood stream longer and is why the levels of medication are lower.

I've experimented both ways, and also use TriMix for the 18yr old experience! Lol, but I never got a response with the Viagra side and Dr. Mulhall at MSKCC, (whom I'm a patient of), noted that it is more common with Viagra - to not get a response in most patients (nerve sparing RP). He noted there's better response for most from Cialis and was correct.

I recovered pretty quickly from RP, and immediate RT&ADT ... Response and erections even without drugs, but certainly better with them. Pretty much fully recovered in both continence and sexual function, despite adverse features such as PNI. One side nerves spared... A testament to the skill of all those on my team there.

Now back on ADT for a while and there absolute zero libido! Regardless of pills, injections or response, I couldn't care whether it wakes up or not, lol... sad after all this effort!

Anyways, I keep chipping at the rocks!

GoodRX: 90day 5mg Cialis runs about $30-40 U.S. and I've stockpiled some as well ;)

Ron53 profile image
Ron53 in reply to Cooolone

Awesome! I'll give it a try. I already have a RX for 20 MG of Generic Cialis. Maybe I cut in half or quarters (?) and take for a few weeks and then then a full dose and see what happens.

Cooolone profile image
Cooolone in reply to Ron53

Just keep in mind not to over do it. Maintenance dose is 5mg per day. This is very important to keep in mind! Too much may not be a good thing!

Cialis stays in the blood longer, if I recall correctly, something like 30+ hours. So on 5mg per day, your steady blood level is in the teens. With a challenge dose of 20mg you're actually around 30mg in your blood. Viagra is more quickly dissipated, like hours... So that's why too, Cialis seems to work better for maintenance, ie, higher maintained circulating bloodstream amounts.

Don't mix the two, or three, ie, injections! That wouldn't be a good idea either.

Best of luck!

TottenhamMan profile image

I take my hat off to you with great respect. I’m 69 years old and since being diagnosed with Ductal PCa in October 2020 and starting Eligard therapy, I hate to admit that I haven’t had a single erection in all that time and to be honest, I’m too intimidated to try any more, which is sad. The very last orgasm that I had in 2020 resulted in significant visible blood in the semen which completely scared me and turned me off. Fortunately for me, my wife has long since ceased to be interested in the physical side of our relationship due to her own physical limitations. The lack of libido caused by chemical castration is profound. If I ultimately need to be on ADT for the long term, I will opt for orchiectomy. The impact of this disease is so cruel. Who would ever have contemplated that anyone would end up this way.

Being able to read the sometimes painful stories on this site really opened my eyes into the breadth and depth of this painfully complex cancer. My wife keeps telling me not to read any more. I hate to say it, but I just have to ignore her request simply because of the absolute value of what I learn when I read all of the posts from fellow sufferers, and absorb the advice and knowledge offered by the elders. I really don’t want any of you to be here, but I’m so thankful that this place exists.

fireandice123 profile image
fireandice123 in reply to TottenhamMan

It is indeed a pernicious disease.

In the past I have avoided places like this because I didn’t want to be exposed to all the negative feelings some of posts would give me. I think I was in denial to some degree, that since I was feeling fine and my test results were good that somehow my condition wasn’t that serious and I could just carry on. It was a way to cope I think. Now for whatever reason I feel the need to learn what the possibilities are for me and to share my admittedly meager knowledge. Some things are difficult to read, sometimes too difficult. But for the most part I too am grateful that I have happened onto this place. I find it comforting, and sad, to find so many that are in some degree or another are experiencing the same thing as me.

TottenhamMan profile image
TottenhamMan in reply to fireandice123

Really well said. I completely agree with everything that you have written.

j-o-h-n profile image

I dip mine in liquid starch.......(Purex Sta-Flo)...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 03/06/2021 9:46 PM EST

lewicki profile image
lewicki in reply to j-o-h-n

Funny. How are you doing ?

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