Hi all. This forum has been very helpful as it is filled with many knowledgeable people, so I thought I would ask a tough question.
Does anyone have any thoughts on an alternative to radiation? This will be the second time radiation will be applied to the same area in 18 months.
I had radiation to my lower spine (sacrum) in 7/2019. The symptom being resolved was severe nerve pain down my right leg.
Currently I’m experiencing numbness in both feet and nerve pain down the back of both legs.
Radiation is the recommended method to resolve. My last MRI (1/29/2021) impression stated :
“Extensive osseous metastatic disease involving the L2, L4, L5-S4, and coccygeal vertebral bodies and visualized portions of the sacrum and iliac bones, similar to 12/10/2020 MRI. Persistent extensive extraosseous involvement of the spinal canal from
L5-S2 characterized by circumferential involvement of the epidural space by metastatic soft tissue which severely narrows the spinal canal and encases the exiting bilateral S1, bilateral S2, and right S3 nerve roots as they traverse the neural foramen.”
I’m reaching out to an orthopedic oncologist to see if they have any alternatives to radiation.
My oncologist does not want to proceed with any new therapy until I have radiation. I started BAT treatment in October 2020 and only received 1 shot. We held off on the second shot due to an increase in pain and the fear that another shot would make me worse. I have been living with metastatic prostate cancer since 11/2010 and have gone though most FDA products, and currently looking for a suitable trial. I feel that having radiation a second time to the same area with about 18 months may not be worth the risk and entering a trial, assuming a good outcome, would eliminate the need for radiation. Also, I think I would still have the option of radiation if I my symptoms worsened. Currently I’m on Eligard and Enzalutamide. The thought is that the BAT treatment may have made the PC cells sensitive to these two drugs again. I do not and never believed PC would kill me, so I'm concerned with my longterm outlook.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read.