I feel so guilty that I was the one that advocated for my husband's receipt of Lynparza 2 and 1/2 years ago only for a brief period of time. Anyone else experience no appetite and/or everything tasting/smelling bad since taking it? It didn't do any good for him and he has lost a tremendous amount of weight which he has not been able to put back on. thanks for your help on this.
Lynparza - side effects of everything... - Advanced Prostate...
Lynparza - side effects of everything tasting and smelling bad?

What was the lynparza prescribed for?

Advanced prostate cancer - at that time not knowing that there was mets. He took it for a day and there was instant disaster. He has been on almost everything else so I think that they were checking to see if there would be success with it. There wasn't.
Not sure how you could feel bad about trying everything. That’s what we do. Not sure there is any other way. There are people here that know about every treatment available and it’s ability to help. Good luck.

Carlo- that was my grandfather's name and I am named after him so getting that validation from you means a lot. We are going into our 24th year of fighting PC. My husband has been a real guinea pig for a lot of the guys out there. I have always advocated for him. But this time. I messed up. I am still working through it in therapy but am learning to see it your way. Thanks and bless you.
Number one you couldn’t have got it for him if you wanted unless you are his dr. Doubt that. I have made sure my wife knows we are doing what the drs say. All you can do. I’m sure you have a good one or two. Probably like me you get very little information from them so you grab at anything they say. Just the way it is. They know way less than you think. We are just statistics in a big trial.
24 years......... (1996 - 2020) Hmmm good for him.... Let him drink malted milks with ice cream every day... that should put on weight...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 11/06/2020 10:48 PM EST
Thank you. I wish that he would. Today, he ate clams. At least we are trying new things out, now.
Carolyn - but nice try
Carolyn, Clams..... at least it's food.... Try warm or toasted challah bread with butter or cream cheese.........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 11/09/2020 5:37 PM EST
OMG - better keep the challah away from me.
Challah french toast is amazing
It's to die for.................
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 11/11/2020 4:23 PM EST - God Bless all our active and veteran military.
Have you tried a prescription of Megace for appetite? it’s worked wonders for my husbands appetite.
Cannabis would be safer than Megace, if that is an option where you live.
My dad has been on Lynparza for 2 months, he has lost his energy and is always tired and lost his appetite.
Cannabis? makes everything taste better In my college days I can remember eating raspberry jello with peanut butter on top
Thank you all. I do feel that there is also depression going on as well about his plight and my husband is super stubborn to want to address it. I will look into all of these things for him. I wish I could give him some of my extra pounds.
Lynparza has worked well for me, for almost 2 years, as I am BRCA2+. I have not experienced any of your husband's symptoms.
I had terrible side effects from that drug. Weight loss, no appetite, shortness of breath , fatigue, loss of strength and probably a few more. I had to stop taking it, my appetite is slowly returning.
The smell of food for me has heightened tremendously and it bothers me very much. It doesn't smell bad it's just that the smell is so intense it causes nausea and I have to go outside to get fresh air. My appetite is zero and I throw up trying to eat a lot of foods I normally eat. I have a hard time even just looking at pictures of food at times (weird huh). I've lost over 40 pounds which was put on when I started Lupron and other drugs. Doc says if I loose weight beyond my normal weight before Lupron to let him know right away. I eat very little and usually can only tolerate green/vegetable juices and Ensure.