Markers to determine if Provenge is working
Thanks to all who responded to my inq... - Advanced Prostate...
Thanks to all who responded to my inquiry about Provenge. Does anyone know the markers (PSA or others) used to determine if it is working?

I don't think my PSA was effected by Provenge. It did shrink some nodules in my lungs.
here is the deal, we cannot get sufficient information from the firm, i.e. like ZERO response and very very few research reports. I see TA thinks it a good idea, but if your paying for it, one should be able to get more details.
That said, would sure like to get more feedback, so please get it on this site if you have taken it and have some results to share with us. thanks, bill
People ask if curcumin or red grape seed extracts have randomised trial evidence....Why the same people do not ask..if there is evidence that provenge immuno therapy works? Why this double standard ? Just because masters of onco industrial complex ordered that. So its like...we told you it prolongs life...just believe it. This it any different than snake oil salesmen ?
True that the original RCTs for Provenge were controversial and approval barely squeaked by. But now it is apparent that it does appear to provide significant benefit in survival.I just wish I could get it under Medicare while still HSPC, but no-dice
Most recent evidence that it is working and does something significant to extend life.
In my case we had a spectacular and unexpected response to chemo following Provenge treatment 3 years ago. My hybrid tumor (adenocarcinoma and small cell with mets to my lung) has stopped growing. Not cured but I just got 2 1/2 years of relatively good life back.
Covid quarantine is worse than PCA for me right now.
I see so many references to snake oil here.... I think I'll buy and try some....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/01/2020 4:15 PM EST
Started in Garden Of Eden
So what were the first words Adam said to Eve?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/01/2020 5:35 PM EST
You were from my rib a cheaper cut!
Close but no cigar.........
What were the first words Adam said to Eve?
He said "Stand back, I don't know how big this thing gets"....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/01/2020 6:47 PM EST
The cigar????
no the brick...........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/01/2020 6:54 PM EST
Cigar in brick
close but no cigar in brick..............
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 11/01/2020 7:07 PM EST
I had 3 provenge treatments in March/April of 2019. My bone mets became unnoticeable in my scans, my lymph nodes reduced to normal, and my liver met reduced to half it's size and is still getting smaller. PSA stayed extremely low for 18 months and just now started rising again. I've gone to a new Oncologist and his statement after seeing my updated scans was "you don't have much cancer" - I thank provenge for this. My scans pre-provenge lit up like a christmas tree. Granted, I'm very healthy 59 year old who eats mostly low-carb veggie so that helps as well. Modern meds are great, but you gotta help your body fix itself as well with proper diet and exercise.
I continued the Erleada/apalutamide treatment thru and post immunotherapy. I had no side affects from the immunotherapy at all.
Hi shipoo, I finished Provenge about 2 months ago. Before I took it my PSA was on the rise and my scans showed that my cancer was progressing. Two weeks after finishing Provenge my PSA was down and my scans from last week showed that my cancer stabilized. But my scans were a mixed bag, some tumors increasing and some decreasing. Also, my PSA from last week increased slightly. So I think I responded to Provenge very well but the major impact lasted for about 4 months including the time on Provenge therapy. My understanding is that Provenge will continue to work in the long run and extend my life. I also plan to begin Xofigo next week and my understanding is there may be some synergies with Provenge. I will continue taking ADT and Darolutamide while on the Xofigo. There’s a clinical trial with Xofigo and Enzalutamide so it seems that combo is being explored so I’m thinking maybe my combo of Xofigo and Darolutamide may add additional synergy but not sure.