Well two weeks of investigational meds are in the books. My first inpatient infusion is on the 8th of sept, my experience was interesting to say the least, my first infusion was like, what I could only imagine Detoxing from a heroin addiction . For about 10 to 15 hours and then it subsided and I was back to about 90%. The second week was the same except about half the misery, all in all, not bad. The side effects have been minimal although my Mets in arms are painful and problematic with my golf game or daily function, I am seeing the rad doc on the 9th to look into SBRT possibilities. At 4 weeks I have insisted on a PSA test although 8 weeks is considered the benchmark for progress, bone scan etc. I am hoping this is successful because literally my life depends on it.
Phase 1 of harpoon trial At OHSU. T... - Advanced Prostate...
Phase 1 of harpoon trial At OHSU. Two weeks of the worst part behind me.
Well the symptoms at least tell you that the immunotherapy did something.
The reason they do PSA at 8 weeks rather than 4 weeks is because PSA increases when cancer cells are killed, and it takes a while to clear out the extra PSA from your blood. So at 4 weeks, PSA might be higher, lower or the same - it tells you nothing and contributes to anxiety.
You are enduring the treatment because it should be helpful to you. It will be worth it! I admire your courage.
I hope and pray for you and all my Brothers here. I thank you for your bravery to endure the treatment. Can you please elaborate on the procedure and whats involved in treatment. Leo
This med focuses on the t cells to allow your immune system to fight the cancer. Two days in the hospital for two weeks. Then weekly infusions indefinitely as long as it works. In eight weeks, bone scans will determine if it's working. This is phase 1, I am sure if its effective they will move me to phase 2 and 3 etc.
Well now you have a good excuse for a lousy round of golf.......... (Congrats and full speed ahead)
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 09/07/2020 5:46 PM DST
Thank you for the update! Praying this gives you long lasting good response!!!