Now that the VISION trial of Lu-177-PSMA-617 is no longer recruiting, some patients are wondering if they can still get PSMA-targeted radiopharmaceuticals in the US, without traveling to Germany, Australia, India, etc. Here is a list of trials that are active, still open to recruitment, or will soon be recruiting.
PSMA-targeted radiopharmaceutical cli... - Advanced Prostate...
PSMA-targeted radiopharmaceutical clinical trials in the US

Thank you!!!
Thanks for posting TA. What do you think about J591 compared to some of the other ligand?
Good question for Scott Tagawa
NIH seems to like CTT1403, since they gave them another grant, but I have not seen any data so far.
Have you seen any new data?
There is no data before the "first results" date. NIH dispenses many grants - not an indicator of anything.
That trial has been going in since April 2019 so I was hoping that they would have some update by now. This is the second grant for CTT1403 from NIH. I guess I was hoping that was a good sign.
Nice job and summary, thanks for the research, Tall_Allen
Thank you for always sharing great information. There are many of us that follow your posts closely.
Unfortunately they all seem to be for castration resistant patients.
I was sent some information specific to the trial at UCSF with CTT1403 +LU-177. For anyone interested, here it is:

Thank you for posting this info. Hoping that it will show good results!
Thanks for taking the time to put this togther and post it.
Thanks a lot, TA. We all appreciate your efforts
Thougthful and helpful
TA- like everyone else has said- a huge thank you for consolidating all this information for us!
Thanks for posting this.
Do these Lu177 studies protect the salivary glands, kidneys and bladder to which PSMA binds?
Saw your post and had to reply. You really need to check out Dr. Nordquist in Omaha. He has done so much for me and many others from around the World. Go to Urology Cancer Center or GU Research in Omaha Nebraska. He was 1st in the World to put human on clinical study for Lu-177. Now 1st in World for Bayer Thorium, handling Janssen Actinium.
See these posts and drives me crazy to hear people travel to other countries not realizing in the heart of the US is the best of the best! Multiple times I have been at the clinic and people are traveling in from other countries to see him. See your name pop up a lot and wanted to share, hopefully you can help me spread the word as does not get enough recognition. I owe him so much! Mayo and other top hospitals send people to him. Last week visited with a patient from New Mexico who was there when I stopped in.
Thanks. I added them to the list for Th-227. If they have a trial of Ac-225, they haven't listed it yet.