Do you think it is conceivable that a 60 year old man who comes from a family of significant PCa would have an undetectable PSA upon getting his first prostate exam? He is a very healthy, normal man...GP told him that his PSA was 0.00something.
Can a 60 year old have an undetectabl... - Advanced Prostate...
Can a 60 year old have an undetectable PSA?

All I know at this time is that my nephew who appears to be very healthy, normal guy with no preexisting conditions that we are aware of had his first prostate exam during a wellness checkup and told my brother that his PSA was 0.00something. He is not experiencing any problems nor is he on any meds. I believe the doc was a GP.
I have never heard of a 0 PSA in a blood test except for a man with no prostate. I would have it rechecked.
Lab Error? ReCheck PSA.
Sure - why not? In a Swedish study, 72% of the population of ~60 yo men had a PSA between 0 and 2. They found that "For men with a PSA level <1 ng/mL at age 60, no further screening is recommended. " This is the policy adopted by MSK.
Go Swedes!
My husband is 65. He was diagnosed at 64. When he was 60 his PSA was 0.9. When he was 63 1.2, and when he was diagnosed at 64 one year later. Stage 4 PSA 21.7. So, how does that work?

Thank the Almighty he tested every year. If he had not his options for treatment diminish greatly. What are his biopsy results?
Gleason 9. He has had great response from Zytiga. His last PSA was 0.05 and he just had bone scans and CT. Nothing shows at all on the CT and the bone scan has great improvement. They are going to do radiation starting next week. Right now he is feeling really well, so hope this continues. Funny he was not going to go last year for his yearly physical, because he has felt so good. I made him go, so glad I did. Who knows what would have happened.

It's those funny "feelings" that save lives. He is in good hands!

No clinical group is 100%, there are always outliers. Aggressiveness and spread are generally based on Gleason score but not always.
Less than 5% of men 60 to 69 could have a PSA between 0 and 0.36.
I would look at his testosterone. He might be hypogonadal to the point of castration level.
Absolutely, quite possible.
Better question is: How many erections does he get in one day? (sweet memories)....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 06/30/2020 11:57 AM DST
What is the worst symptom of prostate cancer? No symptom at all! I had no symptoms at Gleason 9. The year before my PSA was normal, then it exploded.
NOT likely - without 'T', he wouldn't be manly - without PSA or some outward signs (assumed).
How could this have been the case ? I note that my lack of medical training means I am no expert in PSA / T readings.
I would ask for a second test to confirm.
IF it's zero, then I guess he's good to go - lucky man ....