PSA > 120, Advanced stage 4 metastatic to lymph nodes, Dr, says, " No surgical option will help"
I'm not hopeful....😔
PSA > 120, Advanced stage 4 metastatic to lymph nodes, Dr, says, " No surgical option will help"
I'm not hopeful....😔
It candy said it best. You need to ask about surgery again. Or maybe get a second opinion.
Surgery is a terrible idea, but radiation may still be curative if the spread is confined to pelvic lymph nodes only.
Radical prostatectomy with extended pelvic lymph node dissection (EPLND) is an option with T2 and a large benign prostate hyperplasia.
1) I would raise my hand if asked "Who wants Rocky 59's diagnosis?" So would a bunch of us; 2)Just b/c your 1 Dr said surgery is not an option does not mean it is not an option; 3) many different radiation options exist-you owe it to yourself to obtain multiple opinions; 4) I remember precisely when I found out I had multiple bone mets. It is rather depressing, I urge you to find a good psychologist. My MO gave me a name and she is great. 5) Good luck on whatever road you ride.
Rocky 59,
Many of us here know that same feeling when we were first diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. Mine was back in 2012, test showed a PSA of 71, Stage 4 Gl 7 with 4 bone mets noted after an MRI. A dire prognosis indeed. The Doctor, a Urologist told me that surgery would not help in my case , but he was inexperienced and offered little knowledge about future treatment. I did seek a second opinion with Oncologists and even third opinions, and went to a Cancer Center for palliative ,not curative treatment. I received ADT -Lupron for two years. Eventually in 2014 I received and continue to be on Zytiga, which has kept the main mets dormant and PSA undetectable...0.06 for now. So do not ever lose hope, keep informed , get a great Oncologist or even team of Oncologist, and keep us posted. We expect you to be posting for many many more years to come! Also listen to Tall Allen, he knows from where he speaks.
Wings aka Dan in So Cal
Great Wings !👏🏼
Rocky59 is spot on. I share same basic diagnosis and treatment regiment. In spite of the numerous side effects that come and go at their leave, the new normal we experience is made far more tolerable when you surround yourself with a knowledgeable and caring medical team. I actually felt I’d seen the last of my healthy fun loving carefree days after the miserable day I received the news we all have faced. Not true! A big part of my mental turnaround I attribute to the band of brothers on this site. Their knowledge, experiences, guidance and sense of humor will be an amazing asset as you navigate the days ahead. God bless each and every one of you!
Bravo 3putt!
I’m so sorry you feel broadsided by this horrible intrusion into your life. It’s not fair and it just sucks! However, there is hope and there may be treatments to help. If you are not one who researches, please find one to do this for you. I’m assuming every man (and woman) on this site would encourage you to seek, at least a second opinion. There is hope!
I would concur to get a second opinion at a Cancer Center of excellence but would suggest a consultation also with a radiation oncologist as well for treatment options sooner rather than later. Yes research but then act.
Agreed ! Sooner than later !
Talk to a RO about the option of treating the primary tumor with HDR Brachy followed by IMRT to the pelvic LN’s along with adjunctive ADT.
I had the same diagnosis last year and have finished radiation. The journey had brought many feelings that I had to work through and continue to do so. I personally do this on many long bike rides. This forum is full of smart, funny and intelligent people and an awesome source of information and clarification of what Drs tell you. Hope comes from you but I suggest in the coming weeks you work hard to find some be it with help or some good soul searching. I can assure you there is reason to hope, but this is a long journey and don't expect something from every test result, that was my mistake in the beginning. Decide how best to proceed based on your research from this forum, personal research and what your Dr tells you and then don't look back. Put your energy into life, love, happiness. A positive state of mind is as much a part of your treatment as surgery, radiation and drugs.
And what a year it’s been for you ? . You’ve handled it pretty well I think . We surely relate to this young man . Let’s get him saying a year from now” I made it “! Hope and positive thinking are precious cargo once under the gun . Have a great day brother. The tree is still
Standing Tall!
Doctor says the horse is already out of the barn so surgery will not change the outcome.
I was told the exact same phrase at a major texas hospital, Exactly the same.
But they did do the surgery. I had the choice of radiation or surgery.
My experience is surgery was a major event with a couple days in the hospital post surgery, and months of recovery of major side effects that have to be overcome.
Radiation isn't felt while receiving it and each session is over quickly but takes the better part of a month and a half or two. My PSA wasn't as high as yours I was T3bn0m0
But they weren't interested in looking for the cancer after the six week follow up showed PSA was peresistant. And cancelled radiation.
I found other major hospitals in other states felt differently. They recommended scanning until PC showed up on scans.
And recommended salvage radiation for potential of cure, but extension of life if not curative.
Get second(s) yes multiple second opinions,
Get scanned PSMA, Choline, or Axumin.
I'm still a year+ away from knowing how effective the response will be but I am currently undetectable and living with hope.
Radiation can still be part of a treatment plan where the word 'curative' can still be mentioned (maybe). It can be regional or highly targeted.
It is one of the ways to treat lymph nodes that are problematic - sometimes they can focus on spots / areas of bone as well.
During my initial treatment, I had radiation treatment (about 50 % of rated max) in the lymphatic /pelvic region. The initial results were excellent (went to undetectable nadir for at least 1 year - then on ADT holiday).
We might need to return to that area again to treat some nodes that will have finally showed up during imaging - as a sign of a probable recurrence. My holiday may be ending, but I feel fine and I expect to continue to manage this disease for awhile yet .....
OMG - there are many things that you can do. We have been on this prostate cancer journey with my husband since 1997 when he was first diagnosed and are still fighting, Can't begin to tell you all that he has gone through, but he has lived to see his daughter grow up. Not sure where you are located but Prostate Oncology Specialists have been helping to keep him alive since about 1998. They are located in Southern California. Please get a second opinion. I wish you the best.
I started my journey nearly 10 years ago with robotic RP. We found it escaped the prostate into one or two lymph nodes. I have been on various treatments and still here plan on being here for a while yet! You might disclose what part of the country you’re in some of the folks here have a good contacts throughout the country and great cancer centers. I go to Duke University Center Center and in my opinion one of the best MO in the nation. Don’t give up the ship we may not be cured but we can still fight and have a good quality of life with our families.
Geez I thought there were only 8 Rocky movies... I didn't realize they're up to 59... holy chit..
So Rocky get a little Cocky and see a new (and better) M.O...... Ask here if anyone knows of one in your area. BTW your area? age? current treatment center? doctor's name(s)..... Most of us have been through the mill and we're still around to help. So post here.... Also all info you give us is voluntary but it helps us help you and helps us too. I am currently humming the Rocky theme..... Go get em in the la Bonza.......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 06/10/2020 7:27 PM DST
What “crazy” things work for you? I am interested in how mind and spirit work or supplements have worked for different guys
Rocky, I heard the same words 15 1/2 years ago. It ain’t no walk in the park but you can do this. I just love the reaction from people and docs when you do better than their expectations -and you will do better. You got this man!
G'day Rocky, sounds like you're 61 baby too. I was DX in Dec 2019 as Stage 4, GS9, PSA 50, mets on my pelvis and a mass in my bladder. You will have options depending on your situation so use the brains trust here to help you learn and decide your course of action. For me, I went straight on Casodex and Eligard, then started chemo with Docetaxel - just finished. My PSA is now 0.1 and my scans show a marked improvement. So, you've got this Rocky and this site if full of great people to help you navigate your journey, cheers 😎DD.