AFIB path forward in my Fav Heart hos... - Advanced Prostate...

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AFIB path forward in my Fav Heart hospital

depotdoug profile image
11 Replies

EP Dr OV is history this Monday.

AFIB is Persistent and with pain in the ATRIA.

Solution consensus:

1. RF Catheter Ablation scheduled May 6th -33 days out, inside EP 🔬 Lab #1....

2. CT - ‘A’ angiogram w/contrast Doppler color mapping April 6th inside same fav heart hospital.

I can’t take my Abiraterone next Wed AM. Because no food ! I shall have an Abiraterone lunch.

Paranoid re: entering my fav hospital? Got to attack my AFIB and Advanced Prostate Cancer simultaneously.


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11 Replies
depotdoug profile image

I had a cryo-PVI ablation April 2014. That procedure lasted 3.5hrs.

RF ablation I understand can be 4-5hrs in length.

Difficult uncomfortable part of procedure is Post recovery. Got to lay flat, on my back for 4+hrs more. That’s for the (2) catheter probe wire incision sites to heal and seal. No Exercise Required. GOT 33 days to get LIVESTRONG stronger. Goals goals.

in reply to depotdoug

Whoa Nelly ... you can survive it Doug . 💪

Whoa ! Timing is everything . But These are the rarest of times . May God be with you alone the way ! 🙏

depotdoug profile image
depotdoug in reply to

Rare indeed. Yes, the hospital staff are checking everyone, patients and one spouse or caregivers Temperature before entering the hospital. Then it off to outpatient admit, then to the heart center for pre-procedure prep. I’m told all hospital employees, All have masks on. Goal is: to protect the healthcare care workers from the patients coming in. Oh well, it is what it is.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to depotdoug

My thoughts will be with you during your procedure.... what the hell... there's nuttin else to think about these days anyway.... Fight on............

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 04/03/2020 11:57 PM DST

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depotdoug in reply to j-o-h-n

J - o - h - n. I’m not even a Notre Dame ‘fightin Irish fan’ but fight on depotdoug will...

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to depotdoug

I like you... so win this one for the Gipper...........

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 04/04/2020 2:07 PM DST

depotdoug profile image
depotdoug in reply to j-o-h-n

Well, as Ronnie Reagan may say. Our home is physically 2hrs from Notre Dame Stadium, The Fighting Irish home turf. Bet the aren't practicing right now. Quarantined.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to depotdoug

It's a great day for the virus.......

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 04/04/2020 8:56 PM DST

I had atrial fibrillation ablation surgery five weeks ago here in the Phoenix area. I pushed to get it, knowing the virus storm was coming. My wife's hip replacement surgery won't happen in June; considered elective. Very good ElectroPhysiologist (EP) surgeon performed it. I wasn't keeping track but I think the procedure was more like 3 hours than 4 to 5 hours. Laying flat on my back in the recovery area was painful for me with the arthritis in my back but I got through it. I hope your procedures go off as scheduled and aren't affected by the medical crisis going on. BTW I posted an article not long ago that showed that atrial fibrillation is not a good thing to be dealing with if battling the coronavirus. Here's hoping everything goes well for you.

depotdoug profile image
depotdoug in reply to

Thanks my PCa friend, advocate. I'm on my 4th EP Dr. now. 1. He has some great credentials in his Electrophysiolgist med lifetime. He was strongly recruited from his Salem, Virginia Lewis Gale Med Center. 1st EP to perform cath ablations in SW Virginia. Also medical cardiovascular, pacing, EP procedures; tons of experience Winston-Salem, NC, Syracuse NY, Ohio State University Hospital.

I specifically asked DR V if AFIB RF cath ablations were on the "elective only" list, excluded from priorities now. He spoke to me directly we do not take AFIB, cardiac arrhtymias lightly. They are completely necessary for your cardiac health issues.

I'm set for May 06th RF cath ablation, 05:30 arrive, 07:30 start. It's on MyHealth hospital schedule plus my insurance already has me Authorized for 05/06 -06/30 confirmed.

Yeh, not a happy camper about lying flat on back for 4-5 hrs. But it will be worth it.

Thxs Doug

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