Has anyone been using fenbendazole and if yes, have you had any positive results
Has anyone been using fenbendazole an... - Advanced Prostate...
Has anyone been using fenbendazole and if yes have you had any positive results

Hello - Yes, I have and still am using it as a primary treatment. I was directed to it by Jesus Christ (sorry if that offends anyone) after extended deep and fervent prayer sessions. I have declined all conventional treatment since initial dx in 2013 (3+4 PSA 3.8), and have done only natural/alternative and strong connection to God. Was able to keep psa below 10 and stable til late 2018 -2019 when PSA began steady rise to 51. MRI impression in Oct, 2019 read:
"Large TIRADS 5 lesion replacing the majority of the prostate gland including the entire right peripheral zone and majority of the left peripheral zone and right and left transition zone. There is bilateral seminal vesicle invasion"
On Jan. 8, 2020 I went to Moffitt in Tampa and saw Dr. Julio Pow-Sang who was nothing short of wonderful in every aspect. At this point my symptoms were extreme and I could barely urinate. He gave me DRE and said it felt like a grapefruit. He ordered PSA, Bone Scan and MRI. PSA was same day came back at 73. I started Fenben that night and after 3 days I felt symptom improvement. I know this is crazy but I called Moffitt and postponed the scans for 6 weeks. I felt that if I got the scans then, they'd sure to reveal massive advancement. So I thought if the Fenben worked for me then who knows how long I'd have to wait for a followup MRI and I wanted to see results of the Fenben ... and again, I felt God's total guidance with this so I placed total faith in Jesus.
I had scans on Feb 27, 2020 (having been on Fenben 50 days). The Bone scan was negative and the MRI showed no seminal vesicle invasion and the one enormous lesion had shrunk and had separated into 3 small lesions with collective measurements totaling half the size of the enormous one. My PSA was 49 (down from 73). Also all symptoms are gone (difficult urination, burning when urinating, nocturia, ribs and neck muscle pain).
If you read Joes blog at mycancerstory.rocks (.rocks instead of .com) you will see how to join the Facebook Page and there you can read the many many success stories and outright cures of all types of cancer including prostate. Of course, like any treatment, there are some (few on FB Page) that report it did not work for them. But through the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ, it sure seems to be helping me.
If you are considering, I would ask you to first consult with God. Ask him to put you where you need to be as far as treatment. Talk to Him as you would a doctor. Ask His will, not yours, in giving you the knowledge and wisdom that you find the tools to help you.
Abundant Blessings to you friend -

Glad it works for you. I too believe in God and pray often. I’m just not sure the big guys got the time or energy to come up with my treatment plan. I kinda figure he put these really smart guys on earth to help with that so He can focus on the big picture.

Hi my friend
So happy that you could share that amazing story, praise the Lord for he is mighty.
I am really pleased for you and the route you took, seeking God, for he shall reward you for the faithfulness you have showed.
I have been on the fen for only a week now but I am trusting God for some positive results.
Will be in touch with some positive vibes in the near future.
I ask the Lord to grant you your heart desire as you continue your healing journey:
God bless you
I am 74 and my psa started rising over a 6 month period to 14,7
I refused a biopsy and opted for a Tesla MRI scan and a lesion of 13mm and 2 much smaller ones showed up.
Started Fen,vit E and THC with Joe Tippens protocol and after 4 weeks my psa dropped to 7,7
Had another PSA test 3 weeks later and its gone back up to 8,62
Still this is a big improvement from 14,7
Am keeping up with the protocol as many good results come in after 14 weeks.
Also taking ginger,tumeric,black pepper and lots of vitamins
Have cut out 90% sugar, gluten and dairy.
Dying for a cup of coffee with milk and brown sugar but will press on as I intend to live to 150.
I am including FenBen along side conventional treatment. My PSA is presently undetectable but this is due to Lupron. Shall continue with my adjunct protocol, time shall tell its effectiveness.
Likely yes. I tried cautiously rectal way- some 20 mg or so in combination. Following pain could indicate, that it is working.
I recently posted in detail, on this site, the failure of fenben in my case. I had been reporting to the OMRF as requested by Joe, and my understanding is that they do not (yet?) have any prostate cancer success stories that cannot be explained by SOC.
Yes I used FENBENDAZOLE and cured my stage III lung cancer in three months.
That’s fantastic news praise God, they seem to be mixed messages about Fen so I am guessing it doesn’t work for all cancers.
My husband has been using Fenben since August 2019. He has a bit bottle that he will use up. It was more then a years supply.
It is difficult to say if it is having a positive effect as his PSA has been jumping around and he is also on Zytiga. Lately the PSA is moving slightly higher. He is following the Tippens protocol and has had lots of other conventional treatments in the 19 years since diagnosed. The liver bloodwork has been monitored and is good on the FENBEN.
So 8044, greetings.... would you please be kind enough to update us with your bio. age? location? scores psa/gleason? treatment(s)? treatment centers? doctor's names(s)? All info is voluntary but it helps us help you and helps us too. Thank you and praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 03/27/2020 6:08 PM DST