Has anyone reported having seen signs of slowing PCa progression with Fenbendazole?
has anyone in our group had success w... - Advanced Prostate...
has anyone in our group had success with Fenbendazole

I reported here in detail some time ago that it did not work for me, and that the Oklahoma Medical Research Org., to which I and others had been submitting our data (and they have since been jointed by Emory and Stanford in auditing fenben results) told me that they did not, at that time, yet have any successful cases with PC which could not be explained by SOC.
When did they tell you that? I submitted my info but they have never asked for my updated info, which makes me wonder how scientific their work is.
I do not think Stanford and Emory Medical Schools would have joined OMRO if the procedures were not scientific. The response from OMRO that I reported was the first quarter of this year I think.
At the time I contacted OMRF and submitted my records, I had been on fenben for about 6-7 weeks. I've now been on it for 7.5 months. If they don't ask for the newer records, then I'll have some criticisms to make.
To follow up, I just received an email from the guy coordinating the fenbendazole study for Oklahoma Medical Research Facility (OMRF). He said no conclusions have been reached about the effectiveness of fenbendazole. The study is ongoing at present.
Thanks for the update and info:
I see on the Fenbendazole.org site where they say as much also.. They say, you must combine it with other therapies at the same time including elevated vitamin E, D and A intake. Animal Vets have documented cases of treating several types of animals with it and had tumor suppression.
I think it is safe to say nothing to date including SOC cures us of PCa once it escapes initial treatment and spreads to distant areas -- So it seems to me, just because it didn't cure anyone (since nothing else can either) it doesn't mean it was not helping slow the progress possibly. SO when it is taken with ADT or Chemo or anything else the anything else is credited with all the benefit of any control.
With the Care Oncology Protocol, Mebendazole (similar to Fenbendazole) is taken with Metformin, Atorvastatin (also called Liptor) and Doxycycline (also off-label drugs) but COC have not yet published any papers for results with PCa to my knowledge.
Thanks Graham49,
I saw where they have 5 or 6 ongoing trials with Mebendazole in combination with other drugs for various cancers.
it is probable that it is like all other drugs that work in PCa ---- it takes several years to show a slowing of the progression in PCa. An instant cure once its spread is asking a lot since nothing can do that either.
here is an article just published August 2020
and a 2019 one below
Yes I have had complete success. Last time returning from my travels in Mexico which are extensive I forgot to de-worm before returning. Prescriptions for albendazole and mebendazole were ridiculously expensive. So I took fenbendazole ( Panacur C from Amazon.com) 2 grams daily for three days and it completely cleared all GI symptoms. Very inexpensive too.
I've been on it for 7 months, been on Lupron since 11/2018. Hard to tell so far. PSA rose after 3 months on fenben, then dropped back to original level after another 3 months. Stayed tuned!
Mice - yes but they are looking at it. They identify the bioavailbility issue could be bettered using nano-tech and note that Mebendazole (ie COC protocol) is a route around.
My first post on this newly discovered blog. - So, I took Fenbendazole for 3 months at 222mg/day 3 days on 4 days off. Start PSA 9.1 and now 8.7 after 3 months so slight decrease. I am increasing the take to 4 days on 3 days off with added 7000 IU's of Vit-D.
I am a Gleason 6, stage 1, T1c. Next PSA in 4 months as per my urologist recommendation. I was somewhat discouraged as I thought Fenben would have been more conclusive. But the slope is down so worth continuing my trial.