Five loaves and two fishes...every da... - Advanced Prostate...

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Five loaves and two fishes...every day miracles.

greatjohn profile image
โ€ข43 Replies

While(for so long) I have been "awaiting" or "visualizing" a Miracle--I suddenly realized that EVERY day is a Miracle ๐Ÿค”

p.s. the picture is of a prime rib I cooked a few months ago. Other than it tasting "miraculously" has nothing to do with the thought.


p.s. My PSA has dropped just a little (from 5.2 to 4.8). Scheduled to see radiologist regarding radiation to the two lymph nodes and one bone met (both in pelvic area) on Jan 31st. They showed a very small growth in last Axumin Pet Scan. Hoping this might help the PSA go even lower. Started back on FENBEN last week (thank you dearest Emily~"hopefulspouse")

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greatjohn profile image
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43 Replies
westof profile image

Hmm... The photo speaks for itself!

My mouth is watering just looking at it!

Good luck with your RO consult.



6357axbz profile image

Looks delicious!

Good luck with the radiologist visit

Ahk1 profile image

Could the drop in psa from fen?

greatjohn profile image
greatjohn in reply to Ahk1

It could be...or it could be from a slice of prime I'll take any positive movement!

Ahk1 profile image
Ahk1 in reply to greatjohn

Congratulations and wishing you more drop in psa

Drphil1938 profile image

Your "awaiting or visualizing" a miracle is something most of us do especially if we are believers in the promises in the bible.

The problem is we dont recognize the answer to our prayers. The miracle may be in finding the right doctor; the right drug, supplement or treatment, all done with His guidance. Divine intervention is done without fanfare.

Just my thoughts and perception of what has happened to me.

My prayer is that God Bless us all with His miracles.๐Ÿธ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿค 

Cisco99 profile image

I experience weekdays. Where we are they have weekends off.

You are right about the everyday miracles, though.

Another thought is that the miracles have as much to do with us as the prime rib picture. But look at the world we get to live in! Monday through Friday anyway.

greatjohn profile image

Next time ๐Ÿฅฐ

Kaliber profile image

Prime rib ? ...... wheeeeeeh ... thatโ€™s a relief. Is it just me but when you first see that photo ,before reading the text .... is this your brain deep fried on drugs ? Guess Iโ€™m gonna say that thought probably didnโ€™t pop into anyoneโ€™s elseโ€™s mind. Yayahahahaya. Well ignore me, obviously my brain probably does look like that.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Enjoy brother GJ and glad to hear your psa is dropping too. Good to hear you got back on the fenben . Save me a slice near the right occipital please.

Peace brother ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚โœŒ๏ธโœŒ๏ธโœŒ๏ธ

Drphil1938 profile image
Drphil1938 in reply to Kaliber

Occipital, really! I hope that is not what I think it is. Come on in J-O-H-N I need help on this one.

SPEEDYX profile image
SPEEDYX in reply to Drphil1938

Wasn't Adam's nickname for Eve "Prime Rib".....For J-o-h-n

Drphil1938 profile image

Where, I am in Fort Myers until March 15.

Kaliber profile image

Yes brother letโ€™s get j-o-h-n to come back to the group. We miss him a lot. Come on guy , chime back in here j-o-h-n.


westof profile image
westof in reply to Kaliber

Hmm... I couldn't agree more Brother K!

He is a sorely missed brother!


I agree, I often think about how everyday is a miracle.

I think the greatest miracle we can experience is to be conscious in the present moment. Just telling some friends about that last week while having dinner together with them. In the present moment we are all the same, we are all fully alive.

greatjohn profile image
greatjohn in reply to

So true Gregg.

Litlerny profile image

Great looking hunk of beef...Iโ€™m talking about the prime rib, John! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Ž. Very serendipitious to bring up miracles. Our sermon at church today was about miracles, including that, in our constant search for miracles around us, we donโ€™t need to look any further than in the mirror...we are ALL miracles starting from a single cell we grow into the most complex things ever created, 60,000 miles of blood vessels, that it takes 200 muscles working in perfect synchronization to take a single step, brain neurons that travel up to 270 mph, a heart muscle that beats a mind boggling 115,000 times a day, eyes that still can not be replicated by science, and so much more.

Every day is a miracle, and every one of us is a miracle. Enjoy that prime rib, dude!

Drphil1938 profile image

72 degrees now 5 30 pm

kmack57 profile image

Today I took a beautiful 6 mile hike with two of my kids, I felt great and it was good to be in the great outdoors for a bit. One of God's blessings!

Back to reality tomorrow, CT and Nuc scans, hope mt PC is behaving! I'll find out Tuesday but today was a blessing and a day to be enjoyed!

greatjohn profile image
greatjohn in reply to kmack57

You day sounded full of miracles! All the best with the tests tomorrow.


rocket09 profile image

Yes and if you look closely all peoples are miracles as well. I see that once in awhile. Hope things go well with you!

FightTillTheEnd profile image

A couple of days ago, I took my kids to show them a bit a golf in case they might be interested in playing...I was putting this excursion to the driving range off for a while because I was afraid of putting my back out with the mets in the pelvic area.

I showed my kids how to stand and hold the irons and then (against my better judgement) I took a swing at the ball with a 7 iron. To see my kids eyes light up when they saw the ball disappear into the distance was priceless!

Every day IS a miracle!

depotdoug profile image

I want the top side all of it . Whereโ€™s the beef ๐Ÿฅฉ it could go all in to my mouth for lunch Iโ€™m so hungry. My latest Labs are available for me to digest I mean look at in 4 hrs. Yummy. The beef not my labs.

greatjohn profile image
greatjohn in reply to depotdoug

Good luck with the labs!

depotdoug profile image
depotdoug in reply to greatjohn

Thxs. #โ€™s Down is good. Unless you I mean I am a boxer or wrestler.

depotdoug profile image

30 balmy degrees as I type here. Ft Wayne not Ft Meyers darn it

larry_dammit profile image

Yes John. Every morning is special ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

dadzone43 profile image

The Summer Day

Who made the world?

Who made the swan, and the black bear?

Who made the grasshopper?

This grasshopper, I mean-

the one who has flung herself out of the grass,

the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,

who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-

who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.

Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.

Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.

I donโ€™t know exactly what a prayer is.

I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down

into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,

how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,

which is what I have been doing all day.

Tell me, what else should I have done?

Doesnโ€™t everything die at last, and too soon?

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?

-- Mary Oliver

greatjohn profile image
greatjohn in reply to dadzone43

Brilliant .

dadzone43 profile image
dadzone43 in reply to greatjohn


westof profile image
westof in reply to dadzone43

Nice cat, I have his/her sister!


dadzone43 profile image
dadzone43 in reply to westof

Thanks. Best, back. Shirit (Turkish for "stripe) is a neutered boy.

westof profile image
westof in reply to dadzone43

Yep, our "Tiger Lily" is a rescue cat and she has added so much to our lives!

What's the old saying? "Dogs have masters and cats have servants".

However, I do love dogs, had a Great Dane in my teens!


carbide profile image

Radiation on the hot spots will help.

The Prime Rib may also help, won't hurt!

tallguy2 profile image

I hate to throw cold water on this excellent post, greatjohn. But if I had it to do over again I would NOT have had radiation to my two lymph nodes and one suspicious area on my spine. This has not been proven to have any benefit. And it cost me 26 weekdays of travel to/from the treatment center not to mention the $50K+ the insurance company paid out.

Yes, those three areas are now "resolved" per a Nov 2019 PET/Axumin scan, but that same scan identified three new areas. Once in the lymph system, always in the lymph system?

[I should have simply waited for my PSA to progress a bit more and start on a clinical trial that I am starting this week, anyway.]

greatjohn profile image
greatjohn in reply to tallguy2

thanks Tallguy2.....I like any water thrown anywhere .....I am seeing an oncologist at University of Miami who is also doing some trials with HIFU for lymph nodes and bone as salvage therapy. He is suppose to be excellent at figure out what can be "hit" with little side effects or not. My oncologist says she can't tell if the lymph nodes are too close to my bladder ...or something...and it might not be a good idea. That said...Dr. Kwon at the Mayo Clinic was "famously" saying to zap the cancers in nearby bones (mine is in pelvis) or in lymph nodes that are nearby (also pelvis) to give a "curative" NOT WIDESPREAD stage 4 patients. I'm afraid I might be passed that....but it will be interesting to hear a radiologist give me his "reading" on my latest Axumin Pet Scan.

thanks again, and smooth sailing!


tallguy2 profile image
tallguy2 in reply to greatjohn

Best wishes!

Daddybearblue profile image

GJ, love your post, best of luck on this Friday. I think about you then. Arlis

greatjohn profile image

Thank you so much Arlis,

Your thoughts are a joy to me.


Maleko808 profile image

Darn, wish i had taken a picture of the salmon i smoked on my Traeger and then posted it. Oh well. A nice slice of prime rib would be good right now. And a miracle would be awesome. But its one day at a time which is one small blessing. Ill go eat my fish and salad and look for what tomorrow brings. Good luck on your next treatment!

greatjohn profile image
greatjohn in reply to Maleko808

Thanks and to you.

msnik profile image

hello greatjohn and others,

re: prime rib, a question, is that a bit of rosemary I see on there?

I had a very painful knee a few summers ago, had prime rib dinner and a " T and T " (gin and tonic) and the pain was gone. I was never certain if it was the prime rib or the gin and tonic that did it.

My husband recently had radiation on one bone metastasis, but has not been back to the oncologist yet so I am very interested to learn more about this approach and if it is strictly palliative or whether it has any survival benefit. (Stage 4)

He seems to be very fatigued lately and I am attributing it to the radiation but have no proof of that.

all my best....and thanks to all of you....

and thanks for the Mary Oliver poem.....I had heard the final line of it, but had not read the whole thing......

one part of a poem that I like a lot is this:

".....we should be careful

Of each other, we should be kind

While there is still time."

from Philip Larkin's "The Mower"

greatjohn profile image
greatjohn in reply to msnik

Beautiful...and yes. I grow some herbs including Rosemary in the garden.

I have no pain from any of my mets, so I'm assuming she thinks that the radiation might knock back my psa. Latest 4.8


P.S. loving the poetry here.

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