My wife has been freaked out that I would slip on ice and break bones and end up in a nursing home.
I told her, "I can take care of myself."
I bought a bought a pair of Yaktrax last week.
A pain to put on, but I was surprised how well they worked.
Even on glassy, shiny ice, I could not MAKE myself slide or slip.
Then, Monday, moving our cars to plows could get through, one of the Yaktrax -- a single Yaktrak -- slipped off my shoe without me detecting.
I searched everywhere. No Yaktrack. Dayumn.
But this morning at 6, freeling confident, I went down.
Here's the miracle part.
I, who am stiff and slow from the disease, reached behind in a single second, placed my hand on the step, cupping both the top of the step and up-part, stabilized, and lowered my body easefully onto the concrete steps.
No damage, that I can tell so far. No broken spine or shoulder. No ER. No nursing home.
I ordered a new pair from Amazon Wednesday. Should arrive tomorrow. Then I will have three.
Thank you Jesus! Or whoever...