Merry Christmas to all. Son of god brings you all peace and happiness. and good health. and god will be with you all the time. always hope for the best.
December 25 2019: Merry Christmas to... - Advanced Prostate...
December 25 2019

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you, too!
Merry Christmas to ALL.
Daughter of God got a bad deal, apparently. Like most human institutions, women were discriminated against.
He holds my hand as i battle this monster 🙏🙏🙏. Amen
"For the best". Toast to everyone...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 12/26/2019 5:41 PM EST
I'll have bacon with that. Just google was Jesus born in October. My eyes glazed over pretty quickly. I will cling to my foolish, pagan beliefs.
Kosher or non Kosher bacon? Oh a pagan, in that case get a taste for religion, Lick a Witch!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 12/27/2019 5:04 PM EST
😂😂we cling to what we think we know .. what? There is no Santa Claus Mom? Wtf?

There is no Santa Claus? Everyone thinks I'm Santa Claus. And I don't even have a beard (or arm pit hair anymore). Wtf!
Just a generous kind disposition. I cherish you here in HU brother. I’m glad that you are here. I was spaced out the other day and I thought you had checked out . I’m sorry . I’m happy you’re here amigo . Dam!😂
Who did Constantine think he was?? Ruler of the world or something? Oct what Nal? Do we know the date?
Nal! I love it ! Great descriptions. ! I for one vote for September or October over December . Too cold for most . Happy fishing grounds to you . Shalom!