Thank you for adding me and my wife she is always by my side lol This is not a question just trying to be nice and welcome fellow ppl that have this cancer maybe I’ll learn something give me and wife some peace of mind
Metastatic cancer in lymph nodes Mets... - Advanced Prostate...
Metastatic cancer in lymph nodes Mets to shoulder and pelvics feet knees

Trying to figure this site out too not real good at this
Well started lupron in December of 2017 he added Zytiga and Prednisone I will say I think I had every side effect you could have but I worked ( I’m a welder very physical work and I was 50 years old ) in August right after my bday when I got the news of course they put me threw all kinds of test had to go to St Louis for a pet scan oh I’m from a very small town so I have to travel a lot for treatment... well we stayed on that treatment for December to August gave me a break then at the first of 2018 he wanted to try Immune therapy with Provenge ( yes my psa started going up my insurance wouldn’t let him do anything til my psa was over 7.0 so it was March become we could try this new treatment.. well had to go on short term disability cause of the port they put in and the fatigue at first was really bad but made it through it then in October he said I’d have to go back on first treatment lupron Zytiga and prednisone... in July he said to go on long term disability cause of pain and fatigue t thought the end was near at first but I’m doing a lot better I’ll know more next month... I have two lymph nodes that enlarged that’s why he put me back on this treatment... I’m taking oxycodone and fentanyl patch for sleep I take diazepam and gabapentin well getting sleepy so that’s all for now...
Are the bone metastases the cause of your pain? Did mets show up on your feet and knees on the PET scan? Those are very strong pain meds. If you have extensive bone metastases, discuss docetaxel or Xofigo with your doctor - they might help with the pain more than the meds.
Opiate painkillers such as oxycodone, fentanyl are NOT the real and long term solution of cancer pain. These meds are just like band aid...very temporary ..until to go for real cause and its treatment. Probably.. its time to consider docetaxel to attack cancer cells who are real cause of bone pain.
I recommend to all Prostate Cancer Warriors to inquire with your Medical Team about Genomic Sequencing to have any tumor pathology tested for mutations in the DNA structure that might be a match for any of several immunotheraphy or precision therapies....I did this and currently in Complete Clinical Remission for 4 yrs now...doesn't work for every case, but if your a match?, It can save your life.
Welcome Maxos! You’re going to love this site. There are incredible resources here.
Greeting Maxoscarlady, I hate to be a pain in the ass but would you please fill us in with the following information: Location? Treatment center(s)? Doctor's Name(s)? All info is voluntary but it helps us help you and helps us too. Thank you...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 12/25/2019 11:13 PM EST
Thank you for your response... You may want to add this info to your home page under your user ID for future reference for fellow members to view. Try to get to a bigger/better Cancer center in Arkansas by posting a future question regarding your location. There are many members here that may give you some names to see.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 12/27/2019 4:54 PM EST