Last time I posted, my father had to be rushed to hospital because he was just failing. Tired, couldn't breathe, had to have a cane to walk. In the hospital, his WBC went up to 64 thousand and his blood work was all over the place. He ended up having a small stroke and also went into stage 4 kidney failure. We thought he was going to die.
Fast forward 5 weeks later and he is almost back to normal, which is pretty amazing. Back to working around the house and working at an auction house. WBC is down to about 20k. We thought it was initially acute leukemia, but he wouldn't be alive and doing well right now if it was. There was a spot on his lung but we believe it is an underlying infection that just wont go away, because his WBC is still elevated.
Besides the mass in his lung, a mass that couldn't be ruled out was seen on his liver. It was a small hypodense mass that could be focal fatty infiltrate. This is what I'm very worried about because I see the severity of liver mets.
I was just wondering if anyone has liver mets and how they are doing? What would be the chemo involved if we find on the next PET that there is an increase? What a roller coaster.