Fecal transplant to treat cancer - Advanced Prostate...
Fecal transplant to treat cancer

Cancer is already a shit sandwich. Turdburger anyone....? Hold the cheese.
A) I've heard about the impact of the gut biome before, so this makes sense
B) Thanks for the subtle reminder to take my probiotic
C) This seems like a great setup for an epic reply from j-o-h-n (No pressure j-o-h-n) and many others I'm sure, because "men" and "poo humor"
Fecal transplant is already being used in many countries to treat Ulcerative Colitis and colon cancer. I am not aware if it is also being used for prostate cancer ..
Medicines fascination with microbes continues. Let's see what happened
Microbe causes the disease. they are dangerous. get noble prize
Same microbes miraculously transformed into life-saving (vaccines). get the noble prize
Virus cause cancer. get the noble prize.
Virus protects against cancer. HPV vaccine. probably noble prize
microbes (BCG, Cholera vaccine) protects against cancer. Just repurposing, not noble prize.
Nobel committee hardly seems to look for any consistent science. they go with the hype
Recently bacteria is suggested to cause GI cancer
Now Bunch of bacteria in right mix cure cancer.
Fecal transplant is altogether a different matter. It breaks the Edward Jenner and Robert Koch wisdom. they have to come up with new science. The allure of hype and money keeps the science in the back burner.
Obama gets elected without ever don't anything his whole life... Nobel Peace prize. Nobel is an emotional award much of the time.
He outdid the buffoon trump just by being born.
wrong in everyway. Trump has been extremely successful as a businessman and as a President, even as his liberal opponents make of lies and distribute them through the liberal news media. Obama accomplished nothing. He should have stayed in Kenya with his brother who he abandoned.
dopey george- trump has never been successful at anything- those who can't see that should be deported.
You are mentally handicapped due to bias. Look at all the buildings, facilities and jobs that Donald Trump has contributed to the world. Obama never contributed anything other than supporting Bill Ayers who helped bomb people in the metro station below the pentagon. He also supported the racist reverend Wright. Nobody at Harvard can even remember him being there when he supposedly got his degree. He also never had a real job in society. He was the true Manchurian Candidate" I agree with your assessment of George Bush. He should never have been nominated. Colin Powell was the better choice. Remember, Al Gore was the dem competitor. He's a corrupt nut ball, which is why Bush won, same applies to John Kerry. Sometimes there are no good choices and there are very few nominees who are balanced/moderate anymore. Trump is actually quite moderate. His policies are totally in line with Democrats from 15-20 years ago but because of progressive politics leftists/socialist/communist types, Trump gets painted as far right which he's nowhere close to being. Securing national borders is a basic common sense tenant of all nations who want to survive as a nation. Trumps tweeting and off the cuff comments are undesirable but his policies are smart in about 90% of the cases. Policy over personality is fine with thinking people. Plus, the alternative to Republicans is socialist rubes who will destroy America for good and that will bring down the economies of the rest of the world, which will reign in a long term recession worldwide.
If poop will do the job I am all for it. I have been told I am full of it by a lot of people, so I will make a big donation in J-O-H-N's name.π€ πΈπΈ
Good post...I am aware of the use of fecal transplant to overcome resistant Clostridium difficile for people that have been on the Vancomycin PO with probiotics. It figures that cancer is next...It is all a part of looking at the PCa microbiome--a post from pjoshea13--
The Dukoral vaccine showed survival benefit in PCa in an epidemiological study in Sweden. It is unlikely this will result in a case study since it is already approved...
I believe that attacking the microbiome will provide OS benefit and possibly cures in PCa... The question is whether the Giardasil-9 vaccine might not also be beneficial in slowing down this disease. I believe that these may work by effecting mRNA signaling for disease progression....slowing down tumorigenicity and thus, PSADT....
Thanks for posting the Science....The Science is Coming !!!
Don Pescado
I know a lot of people will pooh pooh the science behind this, but I think it's solid.
But seriously... All the people believing in dietary interventions and things like fenben... Isn't the whole point to change the microbiome? FMT may just be a quicker way to get to the same place.
I believe they have suspended all fecal transplants in the US becuase of unexpected unintended side effects.
Great post. It would be interesting to look at the micro biome of long term PCa survivors. I think there's quite a lot on this site. One thing I had not appreciated until I read the book The Diet Myth, (which is a research based book with lots of references) is that the bacteria in the gut produce a lot of chemicals. Good bacteria in gut = good chemicals. Bad bacteria in gut = bad chemicals.
After antibiotics and abdominal infection or virus my gut stomach intestines were messed up for 6 months with pain. 5 weeks ago i started using probiotics daily and now I'm not having problems. 3 months of proton pump inhibitors had just made things worse before i decided to ignore doctor's direction to keep taking the ppi.
To All:
shitonya, shitonya, shitonya
in Russian that means I love you
If I had my way
I'd shitonay all day
shitonya, shitonya shitonya.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 09/12/2019 5:25 PM DST
The Russians were the first to make extensive use of fecal transplants, for the simple reason it was dirt cheap and it was easily available. The story goes that they used the Moscow sewers as their source, so they got as many bug species as possible! If anybody has financial constraints, they have a wife they can use as a donor??
Probiotics help, but the usual commercial capsules contain only about 6 strains. The gut normally has about 10,000 (400,000 according to one source) different species, so the probiotics fall way short. Hence the fecal route to get more species going.
A below-par gut biome from a junk food diet is a major cause of the immune system falling behind in its job of killing cancer cells.
The latest info is that 4000 short-chain proteins made in the gut have been DNA mapped, and there will be thousands more. These pass into the blood as our "food", but different building blocks are needed by the body for many functions. If the supplier of a needed protein is dead, then the supported function will suffer.
We in the cancer wars have a constant battle. The gut biome is constantly being killed off by all of the medications we take, especially anti-biotics and chemo. Any medicine that lists "constipation" as a possible side effect will kill bugs. We are lucky if we can get our immune system going at 50%. The only way to counter this is to eat "bug food" - which happens to be raw veggies, raw fruits, berries, nuts, roots, leaves, and a little fish or meat (cooked to kill things like bovine leukemia) and not much else. Cave man diet. At least for a while to get the gut re-populated. A fecal transplant will make this process go a lot faster!
Alas, it is rare for doctors treating cancer to even mention that a proper diet and a healthy gut is a major factor for a longer life (and potential "cure"). Indeed, many tens of thousands of the "poor" have used a diet upgrade to cure their cancer without medications.
There is a problem with most of the members of this forum - they make no mention of the bad habits that caused their cancer (and that they have now stopped doing whatever it was), nor do we see more than a handful mentioning they have gone onto a proper diet so they can live longer. This is a huge part of the "learning curve" to fight cancer.

I saw this report in the Australian edition of 'The Guardian' - theguardian.com/society/201....
I'm sure those who study non-optimum diets can find with fault with all the rest of us. My 'vegan' daughter seems to be particularly good at this. πMost of us are realizing that we can make more healthy choices.
I do think, however, that blaming the victim is usually not very useful.
Instead, I'd rather focus on moving forward, doing the best we can from here on.
Acknowledging past mistakes is probably good religion but I don't see it being helpful in medicine.
The vast majority of us with Pca got there by weakening our immune systems. Our fault. Sorry - we cannot pass the buck. That realisation is the first major step in fighting this monster. Moving forward means helping the immune system as much as possible and undo as much damage as possible. Some people are simply not going to make a radical change of life-style to live longer. Their choice.
Save a cow... eat a vegan....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 09/12/2019 8:00 PM DST
Huh. All those times I was told to eat shit. Who knew.
I understand a small number of men with Pca respond to immunotherapy while many do not. I wonder how their gut biome may have contributed to their response and whether a fecal transplant from their biome whould help the immune response in others.