In the past I have searched unsuccessfully for whether these products were best taken raw or cooked. A post today mentioned raw curcumin, which prompted me to ask now if there is any confirmation for either product of how best to consume for purposes of PC control.
Curcumin and All-Spice, Raw or Cooked - Advanced Prostate...
Curcumin and All-Spice, Raw or Cooked

I would add that I also take curcumin that is extra-absorbable, but I think there is something to be said for using substances in their natural form, with their various other components which might prove helpful.
Black pepper which has bio-perine in it makes curcumin easily absorbable.
I make little matchstick pieces of turmeric root and Ginger root , put them in a jar containing olive oil. This pickle I eat with each meal (3 times a day) Also take powdered black pepper to increase absorption of turmeric.
Just like Cigafred, I also believe that natural form is better than capsule of turmeric
I grow my own turmeric in my backyard .soften the soil put some organic fertilizer , water the soil , wait for 48 hours..and then put pieces of turmeric root about 2 inches deep. .water daily and in about 2 weeks young turmeric plants will have to wait 2 to 3 months until enough turmeric root is formed to harvest it.
How do you consume the powdered black pepper? Just directly or mix it with something
I sprinkle black pepper powder on my fruits and veggies...I am vegetarian so eat lots of vegetables and fruits at least 3to 4 times a day. I also put black pepper powder in my lentil soup and tomato soup.
Thanks. We turned vegetarian too. I’d like to ask if any specific fruits and vegetables are more preferable than the rest ?
We prefer - Cruciferous vegetables, all green leafy, pomegranate, apples, figs and dry fruits - Prunes , Apricots, Black raisins and Dried figs.
You are already taking very good vegetables and fruits. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and bok choi are great sources of a chemical, Sulforaphane which is reported to slow prostate cancer. Also, parsley, moringa leaves, tomato, ginger, turmeric, garlic sweet potato might help.
People with diabetes needs to careful with too much fruit.
you can purchase the organic tincture from:
The curcumin content of turmeric is only about 3% and it has poor bioavailability. [1]
I use LongVida, as found in CurcuBrain.
I like it that there are other patients who believe in a good second line treatment.
I drink the three together: capsaicin, curcumin and lycopene. For the Lycopene I used V8 juice when available in the supermarket. The curcumin longa via a capsule containing black pepper. This week my oncologist took me of treatment for the second time because my PSA is undetectable now for 8 months straight. Why do I mention all this: read up on the effect of the combination of capsaicin and lycopene on the tough UD145 prostate cancer cell line. Alone not one of these good stuff does really work. But in combination they have succes. PJ Joshua sometime ago also wrote a note to this regard.
Thanks for this information Thinus.
How do you consume capsaicin?
My understanding is you consume lycopene via tomato juice (V8) and curcumin via capsules. (Does the capsule also have black pepper in it)
Forgive me for only answering now.
The cayenne pepper ( capsaicin) I take by 500 mg capsules. 1500 mg in the morning, 1500 mg in the evening, gulped it down with some tomato juice or puree. In the beginning - June 2016 - I drank raw cayenne pepper. Half a teaspoon on about 100 ml of water. It was just to volatile for me. So I switched to the capsules.
As for turmeric: always with black pepper and a little bit of oil. If by capsule, buy a capsule with piper nigrum (black pepper).
Thank you all, but my question was not the best form--I hedge my bets and use several forms--but rather, for the natural form of turmeric, and for all spice, is cooked or raw better?
Cooking always destroy some properties. When I make a cellery smoothie, I grated some turmeric or ginger into it, with a good dash of black pepper and a spurt of olive oil.
But when it comes to the lycopene, the tomato better release its properties when fried a little bit in a pan. Sorry, can't give you a clear answer.
There are also turmeric supplement forms that are hydro-soluble that absorb even better than those with black pepper extract (or BioPerine).