Blocking kinase could provide treatment for prostate cancer:
Promising new treatment for CRPC - Advanced Prostate...
Promising new treatment for CRPC

Good find is why I watch the crossovers.....drugs used for something else--another cancer, etc.. and have use against PCa.... PARP inhibitors is an example.... decitabine now being looked at for neuroendocrine in APC.. Thanks for the Science...
Don Pescado
Yes, "crossover" drugs like this can get into use more easily than completely new drugs since they've already been tested for safety.
Alan is why I watch for these....approved in another cancer or for something else and beneficial...then, why not?? Add it to the arsenal.... bempedoic acid is coming--an ACLY blocker--for cholesterol
Don Pescado
thanks Don - more good stuff.... have you heard anymore about the CTC killer using UV light.
6357 axbz got an email from the primary researcher saying that we should be watching for future developments, but the secondary researchers stated something to the effect that this does not work in micromets or systemically so I doubt we will look in this direction...How can they not realize that those nanospheres could be used with UV light to wipe out mets down to the 4mm level possibly??.....buying time... frustrating--hoping the laser for CTC's can be utilized in this disease....need to give them a f/u letter/call--96% of CTC's killed in an 8 hour treatment--that's what we need...
All the best,
Don Pescado
We have been interested in blocking ACLY, not just for cholesterol, but also for its key role in de novo lipid synthesis. My husband has been taking Hydroxycitrate for this purpose. We only started it about a month ago, so we do not know if it and the other things we are doing are helping, but his PSA is currently steady at barely detectible levels a year off ADT + zytiga. Unfortuntately, this type of approach is mostly theoretical with few clinical trials, but here is a documented case of a 90% PSA drop in MCRP: (we are replicating the dose of HCA and ALA in this study, have not yet introduced the LDN, but plan to) and here is a summary of some of the science:
We thought to pair the HCA/ALA with the zinc ionophor, clioquinol, shown to increase zinc in human prostate cells: The hope is the zinc inhibits aconitase and thus the Krebs Cycle and the HCA inhibits the ability of the cancer to use the citrate, especially the extra citrate produced if aconitase is inhibited. Unfortunately, my husband did not feel well using the 3% clioquinol/.1% betamethasone cream that is available. We are going to try again with a compounded version. Anyhow, we will post if we have any success, if not, its back on ADT once PSA reaches 1.
Interesting reading Shanti1....Noticed you are not using the Naltrexone which they thought effected the insulin growth factors and TLR-4 ....
Otto Warburg has been viewed by some as crazy and now viewed more as a hero... I believe this is a hormonal and metabolic disease.... I believe that controlling the four Horsemen of the APC Apocalypse will help you in this fight---Inflammation, Cholesterol, Glycolysis, and Hormones....
Please keep us updated on your progress....
I take Boron after George71 put out some information--he advises 3-6 mg a day--you may want to look at his posts on this....he is also in favor of cabergoline.... You may be cousins....LOL.... some info on boron--IGF1 inhibition:
I posted on bempedoic acid and it should come to market in Europe this year in US... Sticking only with SOC is insuring a dance with the Grim Reaper.... I'd rather dance with my wife....
Best of luck to you and your husband....
Don Pescado
Thanks Don, I'll check out cousin George's boron posts ;-). Thanks also for the link with potential boron MOAs. We are planning on adding in the low dose naltrexon, esp since protate cancer tends to express TLR4. Everything gets added in slowly with hubby, he has a constitution that, for whatever reason, makes him very reactive to medications and supplements. Best to you, Shanti
Your welcome...Many guys here are lucky to have wonderful wives or daughters who support, do research, and just supply the one factor everyone needs....LOVE....Your husband can count himself amongst the too...I feel badly for anyone that faces this alone....APC is overwhelming by itself...without someone to help share the burden...very overwhelming....
Look at cousin George's posts on boron and pjoshea13 and Nalakrats probably have a few as well....I think pjoshea13 takes 12 mg daily...
Best to you
Don Pescado
Yes, I was just looking at those posts and sent another reply to you, probably just as you posted this. I admit, I am always researching these days! but to your other point, I should probably put my computer down and give my husband some of that other critical factor you mention.... LOVE. He is wondering when I am going to finish up on the computer :-).
I have to reply to you Shanti1 --- for me, too, it's about time (or close to it) to get off computer and give hubby love -- this morning I'm "at it" again checking PC ideas/info and realize he needs his breakfast.... I respect you a lot for continuing researching/supporting, us loving partners/caregivers have so much to do, and I'm always happy to see others like you. Hopefully you're taking care of yourself through all of this .... hoping you and your hubby are having a good day in spite of this.
I was just taking a look at the Boron mouse study you sent and out of curiosity calculated the Human Equivalent Dose. For the high dose boric acid: 9/mgB/kg/day in a mouse would equate to 56mg/day boric acid in 170lb person. Boric acid is about 17.48% boron according the the resource I used (, so that gives a boron HED of about 9.7mg/day boron. This is around the theraputic dose I saw mentioned in earlier threads. Compelling!
From the study you sent:
"Two groups (10 animals/group) were dosed with boric acid solutions (1.7, 9.0 mgB/kg/day) by gavage. Control group received only water. Tumor sizes were measured weekly for 8 weeks. Serum PSA and IGF-1 levels were determined at terminal sacrifice. The size of tumors was decreased in mice exposed to the low and high dose of boric acid by 38% and 25%, respectively. Serum PSA levels decreased by 88.6% and 86.4%, respectively, as compared to the control group."
I am hesitant to use it while my husband is off ADT since it may increase free Testosterone.
I take 3 mg and consider the bump up to 6 mg since my T is <3 and I have been on 3 mg for a while... yes, give him love...Lulu swears that love from his Angel keeps him alive... I agree... my wife is my best friend and true love.... she said you promised me a lifetime, so I am fighting for that time...
Don Pescado
Thanks George,
blocking kinase in combo with PARP or other immuno drugs may be the near time solution for PCa
Ty George I'm watching that cdk7
Thank you for posting. Another probable tool for the future.
Incredible news....could it prove deadly to cancer cells driven by this simple toggling activity? So many of our beloved CR fellows would be given yet another 11th hour pardon...did someone note this drug is already in use otherwise?...and if so wouldn’t it be worthwhile that all of us by trying it? I’d certainly be happy to try it and drop the hard hitting T busting cocktails.
Thanks George!!!!!
I will say that I am surprised to see something that seems so important happening while I am still here. Who knows, may we can benefit from it! Hope is still there!
Thank you.