My husband has increased numbness & some pain in his hands especially at night. This interrupts his sleep. He is on his 3rd Elegard/Lupron shot ( every 3 mos), previous Chemo from 10-1-18 to 1-21-19.. The numbness/pain starts in hands and goes up arm to elbow. We have tried different methods like oils, creams, changing diet, etc. The oils/creams ease the pain for a short time. One thing that seems to work is a hot shower and sometimes during the night he will do this to ease the numbness. /We have voiced our concerns to urologist and he blames it on the Chemo and says will take up to a year to diminish?? I think it's the Elegard cause that is when it each shot seems to get worse... Anyone else have this side effect from Elegard/Lupron shots or Chemo? Anything to use to relieve the numbness/pain?
Numbness: My husband has increased... - Advanced Prostate...

This sounds like peripheral neuropathy, most likely caused by the chemo. Your urologist sounds a bit cavalier though about this. Not all neuropathy resolves, and it can be very painful.
Here's an article with some resources:
When they are numb does hands look bigger and if you shake them is pain less
When you have diabetes that tends to happen you could try pain relief cream for diabetes on hands
It's from the chemo. You can try neurontin.
Some have said Palmer cocoa butter can help.
Icing hands and feet during chemo helped my Dad.
I am on Eligard 45 mg since March, 2018. Absolutely no such pain.
I took 6 cycles of docetaxel chemo from October, 2018 to Feb, 2019. No neuropathic pain at all. The only side effect of chemo was that my hair fell out a bit and once I stopped it grew back nice and black.
I am afraid there is no easy fix for this. Lupron, Extandi, Casodex, Chemo all add to the damage - especially the Chemo damage as it takes years for the nerves to regenerate and grow again - 2 years and I still have numb toes and fingers (but slowly getting better). I use a warm grain bag (microwaved) and massage to increase blood flow and that seems to help. I put the bag on my toes to get to sleep, and often have to heat it again in the night. Mild movement also helps (lack of which is why sleep gets interrupted). You could also try increasing the gap between the Lupron shots by a month and get just a teeny tiny bit of extra relief.
Funny how numb fingers and toes can be so painful!
Yep started out with some numbness, then finger lockup, now fighting tendon lockup in shoulders and hands. Been on it now for 36 months. Keeps changing 🤪🤪🤪. Fight the monster 🙏🙏🙏
I have the same problem except in my feet onc told me it will clear up in a few months,keep the hands moving
No fun, that's for sure.
For whatever it's worth: 3 injections of Lupron/Eligard (each of 3 mos duration). I now have soreness in fingers and hands, shoulders and knees and ankles. Very difficult to 'get going' but once I'm up and about, discomfort subsides.
I'm just hoping that, as the drug wears off, this will gradually disappear. And, no, I've not found anything to treat this with.
Good luck to you,
You need to rule out carpal tunnel syndrome, since it is worse at night. Get a carpal tunnel brace that keeps the wrist straight and unable to bend. Wear at first 24hrs then if improvement, wear at bedtime.
This is what I take for neuropathy.
1. Mirapex 1 tablet 0.25mg - prescription
2. Gabapentin 2 capsules (300mg) - prescription
3. Acetyl L-Carnitine 1 capsule 500mg - over the counter
4. Leg Cramps (by Hylands) 2 tablets over the counter
5. Aleve PM 2 220mg - over the counter. Because Aleve can cause liver damage with long term use I have substituted Zyflamend 1 capsule.
I take each of these drugs at least 20 minutes apart in the early evening. This helps me get a good nights sleep. The effects last all day long.
Try CBD, if possible, you might be surprised with its pain killing ability.