Do you take Prednisone with a meal or after a meal? Why take Prednisone with Zytiga? What does it do? The oncologist said it was dangerous to take Zytiga without Predizone? Why are there different doses of Predisone prescribed?
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Prednisone dosage and meal

Hi Coco2535, I am on day 32 of Abi 1000 mg with prednisolone 10mg. I understand the prednisolone is to address the gluco/mineralo corticosteroid imbalance that the Abi causes. Without which bone density is more negatively affected.
When taking Zytiga the adrenals stop producing cortisol. The drop in cortisol causes an increase in ACTH (the hormone that stimulates the adrenals) and this increase generates an elevation in mineralo corticosteroids, mainly aldosterone which could cause sodium retention, and higher elimination of potassium. Edema, hypertension and hypokalemia (low potassium) could develop.
The prednisone is given to replace the cortisol that is not produced by the adrenals and keep the ACTH in normal levels. Initial trials of Zytiga were done with 10 mg of prednisone but then other trials used 5 mg without problems. Many are using 5 mg and other oncologists are using dexamethasone instead of prednisone and others eplenerone (a blocker of aldosterone receptors) in patients with diabetes or hypertension difficult to treat. Since prednisone could increase the production of gastric acid I would take it with food. I believe you do not have to take the prednisone with the Zytiga,
Prednisone replaces what Zytiga takes out of you. I would take the Zytiga and prednisone with a meal, probably breakfast.
It is a replacement dose to give back what the Zytiga takes away. If you are hormone-sensitive, the replacement dose is 5 mg/day with breakfast. If you are castration-resistant, they give you a little more (5 mg twice a day) because you will feel better and long-term effects are less of a concern.
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Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 06/09/2019 9:41 PM DST
Hello Coco - I think the above answers cover all the bases adequately except the “with food” one... pred can cause stomach upset in some men so it is generally advised that it be taken with a meal. Since Zytiga is taken on an empty stomach, this means the two aren’t generally taken together. If, however, you find the pred doesn’t bother your stomach, there’s no problem taking it on an empty stomach, along with your Zytiga.