I am 71 years old and have been fighting prostate cancer for 20 years.
Last year I prayed to get on the Lu177 +PSMA617 study. I finally made it in February of 2019. I had very little side effects from it, a small amount of tiredness but nothing else. After the first injection I was very hopeful my PSA dropped to 35 from 70. The next injection the PSA raised to 64 and I had a bone and CT scan which both showed the mets were stable. Injection number 3 PSA 76 all other blood work looked good. Injection 4 PSA 97 all other blood work looked good.
Went back for injection number 5, had the CT scan and bone scan. Bad news the bone mets had increased about 300%. Had marks on both legs, both arms, all the spine, both shoulders, both hips and five marks on my skull.
They removed me from the trial and now I am starting X0figo to stop the bone mets.
Lutetium 177 is not a magic bullet for everyone.
I have tried almost every FDA approved and a few unapproved treatments. Anything new down line?