Has anyone had Botox injections in their bladder to help with waking every hour during the night to urinate? Pills don’t agree with me and my urologist suggested this..
Has anyone hade Botox injections in t... - Advanced Prostate...
Has anyone hade Botox injections in their bladder to help with waking every hour during the night to urinate? Pills don’t agree with me and

Have you tried flowmax? Fixed me by allowing me to empty my bladder better. Now only 3 times a night and the last one is about 6:30 which I use for an alarm clock
I found something interesting. I sleep on a FIR heating pad, 40C all nite. Promotes restful sleep. Then I decided to add a small 20"X20" FIR heating 50C placing it over my pelvic/groin area. I add this pad about 3-4AM when I get up to pee. I did this to see if the additional heat would help with my cancerous lymph nodes in the groin. What I found is from having to pee 2-3 times/nite, I now pee once/nite. The main benefit of the FIR heating pads is its anti inflammatory benefit. Apparently that heat from the Jade/Tourmaline crystals calmed down the prostate/bladder to the point that I now, day/nite, experience normal urination. The radiation effects seem to have been neutralized. It has been almost 30 days since I took a Flomax. Haven't needed it.
Judging by the swelling in my legs it hasn't helped with the nodes, but has worked wonders in the pee department.
IT is not normal to keep getting up at night. Once you've gone past 2 or 3 times, it is clear that you are not emptying the bladder completely. I know, because this happened to me.
The solution was a TURP surgery. I suspect, but I could be wrong, that you are dealing with an enlarged prostate. You might even reach the point of a total blockage if it persists.
Part of your treatment needs to reduce the size of the prostate, IMO, but I admit that I am guessing.
Good luck i n your treatment moving forward ....
When I wrote this I should have stated that I am a stage 3 survivor of PC.
I believe the radiation did something to the muscles that trigger the “need to go” feeling all night long. I tried some of the meds and they all didn’t agree with me so he suggested Botox injections in the bladder every 6 months to calm the muscles. I was hoping someone had tried already tried this procedure and let me know what to expect..
I used to tie mine in a knot.... now I use a small cork....
Try FLOMAX....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 06/02/2019 5:32 PM DST
I use Flomax twice a day and Myrbetric which allows me get to the bathroom without leaking. I also do Kegel exercises twice a day for 10 minutes or more times when I think about doing them. I am doing them while I am typing this! I also understand everyone can not benefit from Kegel exercises, but it us worth a try. I have to drink 1/2 gallon of liquids daily due to kidney disease, so I urinate about 3 times a night as well. I know with other botox injections they must be repeated every several months, so I would try everything else first. Once I had a blocked urethra and boy was that painful, and I almost had to have surgery. I have had a total of 72 radiations over the past eleven years and it effected the inside of my urethra making urine dribble out, but now that has gone away. You are smart to ask questions, and just keep truckin'.