My husband had Hifu several years ago and now we found pc in 3 local nodes. He is currently undergoing radiation. His radiologist told him to lay off the vitamin c during the radiation, that the radiation needs the free radicals to kill the cancer. He has read the opposite, that vitamin c infusions during radiation helps with better outcomes. Any feedback on that? He has not done infusions yet but takes a fairly large dose in liquid form every day. Open to infusions if that would be helpful. Feeling confused!
Vitamin c during salvage radiation? - Advanced Prostate...
Vitamin c during salvage radiation?

Many antioxidants are pro-oxidant at high levels.
Oral vitamin C is an antioxidant at normal intake levels; infusions (IVC) are pro-oxidant.
Most cancer therapies create reactive oxygen species (ROS). If a supplement is used during treatment, it must be at pro-oxidant levels to potentially add to ROS - not quench it.
Men often make dietary changes following diagnosis. This can lead to a greater intake of anti-oxidants. They may even take supplements containing anti-oxidants. This will potentially work against treatments that create ROS.
Infusions are different from oral intake - ascorbic acid may act as pro-oxidant when infused, but an antioxidant when taken by mouth (at any dose). Even if infused, you have no idea what the relative effects will be together with radiation on healthy tissues and on the cancer. It may do the opposite of what you want by radio-protecting the cancer and radiosensitizing healthy tissues. Until clinical trials are done, he is well advised to avoid it as well as all other supplements during radiation.
Exercise, however, oxygenates all cells. In cancer cells, the increased oxygenation is a good source of hydroxyl radicals what will destroy the cancer. It is also protects healthy tissue - exactly what you want.
Hi TA,
I read that some herbal supplements (other than antioxidants) may help minimize the side effects of radiation.
Any suggestions, as I will start my SRT in 6 weeks, is it better to stop all supplements and do 1-2 hours of exercise 5-7 days weekly for the best results of SRT?
When I started on this journey, I was as pro-supplement as the many on this site. It seemed like something I could do, and territory unexplored by drug companies. As I learned more, I realized how little I knew. So I am sympathetic and do understand the motivation to take a supplement.
For radiation, a supplement must fulfill two contradictory requirements:
(1) radio-protective of healthy cells
(2) radio-sensitizing of cancer cells
If a supplement fulfills condition #1, it probably radio-protects cancer cells as well (causing lower effectiveness). If a supplement fulfills condition #2, it probably radio-sensitizes healthy cells as well (causing greater toxicity).
The only thing I know of that certainly fulfills both conditions is exercise.
My nutritional counselor who treats cancer patients says the Vitamin C issue is old news and has been contradicted since.
I asked my doctor about taking normal strength vitamin tablets during radiation treatment and he said go ahead it will not make any difference either way.