Sepsis: My dad had a TURP surgery on... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Edbl profile image
20 Replies

My dad had a TURP surgery on Monday. Was doing decent then yesterday he seemed flat. Went to ER and there was a clot in Cath. They gave him a bigger one. He came home and was lifeless. Ambulance had to take him to ER again later yesterday evening. He can’t put 2 words together - does not know his name and had a 104 temp. They said it’s a UTI and possible Sepsis. Anyone ever go through this. I was for sure he had a stroke - but cat scan was negative. Been 24 hours and still no speech and has no idea where he is. Came out of nowhere.

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Edbl profile image
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20 Replies
Edbl profile image

Has anyone been through this.

in reply to Edbl

My brother, not with pc went thru it . Many prayers for recovery ..🙏😩

Tall_Allen profile image

It's good you caught it early - septic shock can be fatal. My best friend who is a nurse tells me that UTIs are common from catheters (one of several reasons I avoided prostatectomy).

YostConner profile image

I had a child go through/pull through sepsis. Expect them to use some pretty powerful drugs that might keep your dad dazed for a few days. Hope he pulls out of it quickly.

NPfisherman profile image

I had E coli sepsis-- post biopsy...he will need to be on IV antibiotics most likely for a few weeks...he could be sent home with A PICC line and have antibiotics completed outpatient after recovery begins--WBC normal, no fever, cognition improves... Since he likely will still have the catheter, he can obtain UTI Stat and cranberry extract pills (order online) to acidify the urine and reduce the likelihood of another UTI... Hope he feels better soon...

Don Pescado

in reply to NPfisherman

Very scarey!

NPfisherman profile image
NPfisherman in reply to

Sepsis is a killer....from the CDC... does in more people that PCa annually by far

Hope all is well in LuLuville...

Don Pescado

in reply to NPfisherman

It is dreaded ..

BarronS profile image

My father got sepsis when he got home from his prostate removal. He was going into septic shock because his blood pressure became extremely low, I think it was 90/35. He was in the hospital for about 6 days and then came home. He has no after effects of it 9 months later. When he did get home, he slept alot and had trouble breathing for about the first week afterward. Symptoms got better since then.

Sepsis can effect any part of the body and it's common for the brain to be effected. One of the main symptoms is memory problems. The most important thing is going to be if any other organs are shutting down and how his heart is doing - blood pressure, heart rate, etc.

It's also important to find out what type of care unit he is staying at. Is he in intensive care? That's usually where they will take him if he has organ failure. The first 48 hours is going to be the most critical. It's also important to get someone that has sepsis into the hospital as soon as possible so the right meds could be given and there less of a chance to go into organ failure.

CrocodileShoes profile image

I had colon cancer (after I was dx'd with PCa) The operation got rid of the cancer, but when they reconnected the bowel, I sprung a leak. When my BP hit 60/30 they suspected septic shock. I was rushed back into surgery and then ICU for 10 days. They told my wife to gather the family (never something a spouse wants to hear) It was basically 50/50. After 10 days of intensive IV antibiotics, I was put in high dependency unit and a month later discharges. So, yes, it's a very serious thing. But I'm happy to say I made a full recovery, and no lasting damage (apart from anxiety whenever something happens to me that it could be sepsis!)

More recently my sister had a UTI (undiagnosed) and has very similar symptoms - was very weak, falling over, incoherent. She was subsequently dx'd with e.coli spesis. In her case she on;y spent 3 days in hosspital, so they caught it early.

She's also made a full recovery.

Hope that helps.

vandy69 profile image

Have had 2 bouts with sepsis. First time a temp of 102 got me transferred to hospital from rehab facility. After 5 days, E. coli in blood was isolated as the cause and Cipro twice a day for 30 days was the cure.

Second time was a temp of 101.5 picked up at my MOs office so immediately sent to hospital. Took 16 days to isolate Enterococcus as the cause. I am currently on a 24/7 IV drip of Ampicillin for 6 weeks for a cure.

Since I have had 12 chemo infusions and several spinal surgeries, my immune system is far from normal. I expect a full recovery.

Best wishes. Never Give In.

Mark, Atlanta

in reply to vandy69

You’re lucky to be here Amigo!

whatsinaname profile image
whatsinaname in reply to vandy69

You are one hell of a tough guy, Mark. Hang in there !!! Cheers !!!

d55eng profile image

36 hours following my first prostate biopsy I began to get chills and feel feverish. Thinking I was simply getting a cold or the flu I soldiered on. Chills became more severe and I could not get any relief despite running my hands and face under warm water. I left my meeting and drove home but had no memory of how I got home. My wife came home and found me collapsed on the couch, uncertain of where I was with a thermometer dangling from my mouth. I tried to reassure her I was fine and told her I would take 2 Tylenol and sleep it off. Instead, she took me to the ER where I was admitted into a negative pressure room and diagnosed with sepsis. I was delirious for part of my time there uncertain of who the president of the US was and climbed out of bed several times to go home before getting treated. I was nauseous and vomited regularly. For awhile, all visitors and staff were required to be gloved and gowned before entering my room. It took the hospital 5 days before they could identify the correct antibiotic to successfully treat my sepsis. I now take Bactrim prophylactically whenever there is a risk of infection and I have been fine ever since. Best of luck to you and your dad. - Don

j-o-h-n profile image

I had one... from a urinary stent implant where the Doc forgot to prescribe meds (104 temp). Any foreign body going into your body requires antibiotics. It was a UTI and I collapsed in a drug store and had to be hospitalized. While in the hospital a nurse was in my room administering my drugs when I saw a guy walk/slither into the room (like Groucho Marx would) check under my bed and walk out. So I said to the nurse "who was that?" and the nurse replied "who was what? I said "the guy who came in the room and looked under my bed". She said "no one came into the room". To this day I swear a guy came into my room. Hallucinating!!!

Intravenous antibiotics (Cipro too) and rest and a full balls kick to the Doc. Tell your Dad to take those cranberry pills and down FA with UTIs.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 05/06/2019 11:25 AM DST

j-o-h-n profile image

j-o-h-n <=== slaps forehead........ You got a point there....never thought of that......

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 05/06/2019 5:35 PM DST

monte1111 profile image

Very very bad. Wish you the best. Relative's experience was not good. Can not even joke about this. Crossing my fingers for you.

Mkeman profile image

Make sure he is being treated by an infectious disease specialist. I had sepsis 6 years ago and it was nasty. Wound up going in every day for nine weeks for IV antibiotics..

Edbl profile image

Was doing ok then got another UTI. Cather might need out. So now he has Sepsis with a yeast strand in blood and a UTI. Can’t walk and very weak. Blood work is good which is hard to believe. Just don’t know what to expect. I know Zytiga May cause UTI issues. Just very confused.

Edbl profile image

Just getting worse. Retaining water and latest blood culture showed yeast and so did recent urine sample. Convinced them to take catheter out tomorrow.

Can’t move arms but vitals are all good. Just very confused

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