Has anyone had problems with their teeth. Ive been on Abiraterone for over 8 months now and Ive had two cracked teeth. my teeth were in great shape.
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dental problems

Yep, sure did my first year after treatments . Had two root canals. Tooth care should be a priority now .

I am aware of no direct relationship between abiraterone and dental problems. I see that it CAN cause dry mouth, which is always a risk factor for decay.
I do find that patients diagnosed with serious illness occasionally will let other things (like oral hygiene and regular checkups) fall through the cracks. There is always the chance there may be a relationship but I can't find any literature to support that.
And that's straight from the horses mouth. Thanks...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 04/16/2019 5:34 PM DST
A horse walked into the bar . Bartender ask “ Why such the long face”

"cause I'm a little bit hoarse"
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 04/16/2019 11:08 PM DST
Well Willlllbur, I thought you were going to say that you are “the man called horse.”Remember that movie? Had the white man swinging by hooks in his chest ..

I once had a horse that was getting along on years, but still could be useful around a farm. One day my wife and I took ol Nell into town to see if anyone would be interested in buying her. A gentleman came up to me and said "How much for the old nag?"
"$200" I replied.
"Throw in the horse and I'll give ya $250." He offered.
Later I realized I should of asked for more because the dental work will cost me $300.
Haha haha very funny, everything is negotiable ..Thanks ! 😂
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 04/17/2019 5:51 PM DST
Dear j-o-h-n .......we are all ol gray mares after meeting APC .. That guy is real Americana at its best .. You brighten the world friend.

Thank you... Problem is, I run on batteries... and my energizer bunny is running low... You brighten it too...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 04/17/2019 10:01 PM EDT
My wife is the energizer bunny . She runs circles around me.. and I like it..
Interesting, I am on xtandi-been on it for a number of years , although most years on a very low dose.
Just drove back from Florida and while on road felt a bump under my upper lip close to top of gum—guess they call it a gum boil.
Yesterday went to dentist as I know an infection in that area can be deadly if moves up to brain which is inches away
He took x-Ray. I have had 2 crowns for my upper front two teeth for decades. X-Ray showed the foundation pin of one of these crowns had caused crack in tooth allowing an infection to form in bone tissue adjacent-coincidence happened now with xtandi?
Now on heavy antibiotics and the crowns have to be reworked -expensive and no dental insurance
He said another week and could be in serious problem
I am not aware of any correlation between abiraterone and cracked teeth. In my dental practice, cracked teeth were a common occurance, especially in teeth that had large amalgam fillings. These cracks had no other cause than trauma through the years plus weakening due to the fillings. (This is why dentists recommend a crowns for teeth needing large restorations.)
Another common cause of fracture is clenching and grinding of the teeth, especially at night. Both clenching and grinding place enormous stress on the the teeth. If you are aware of clenching or grinding, talk to your dentist about options for a guard.
And finally, if you chew on ice, stop. I got to do a number of crowns, and a few implants, for my patients that chewed on ice.
A colleague! Chewing on chicken bones are also good for cracked teeth.
Marshmallows or Jello a no no?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 04/16/2019 5:39 PM DST
Hi j-o-h-n. As a northern Iowa Lutheran, I could NEVER recommend against marshmallows or Jello, especially if they are mixed together and called a salad. Brushing and flossing and all things in moderation; except for ice chewing and frozen Snickers
Hello onajourney, As a northern New York City Republican, I'll be right over for desert with my Manual Brush, Electric Brush, Floss, Mouth Wash, Electric Flosser and my full set of uppers and lowers.... Will frozen milky ways do?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 04/17/2019 2:35 PM DST
I find that since starting ADT and Abiraterone with Predesone, I have been clenching and grinding my teeth more. I don’t know if it’s stress, or what. I did have a cracked molar before from that. Always had good teeth other than that.
I tried sleeping with a mouth guard but it was an comfortable as sleeping with a clothes pin on my nose.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 04/16/2019 5:41 PM DST
Yes, for dentists, making a nightguard for patients who grind/clench (bruxism) is pretty cookbook. But it's also true that quite a few patients can't tolerate them.
Going through Chemo and all of the ADT Drugs, my teeth are a mess. Cracked teeth and small holes in some. Oh well, that's in the back burner for now.
Been on Eligard since September 2017 and added Zytiga and prednisone since January 2018. Had one infusion of Zometa. So far, no teeth issues. My endocrinologist told
Me to get two checkups and cleanings a year as there is some
thought that oral hygiene can be a factor in osteonecrosis.
Sorry I answered your last reply and thought you also went through the process of docetaxel infusions. I see you've been on Zytiga, prednisone for over a year now. That's a good sign you are responding for that long. I was on for three months but it stopped working for me. I'm on a clinical trial now for the past ten months that seems to be working, but the side effects are not to cool. My PSA is at current 0.03, but my bone metastasis have spread to my spine and skull. I am also on Lupron injections.
Thanks Guys. I went in and had a root canal. It appears i had a bad infection. The dentist did say it appeared that i was grinding my teeth more.