Any thoughts on proton beam versus radiation for advanced PC . Is it true that side effects are reduced versus radiation . Thanks
Proton beam for Gleason 10: Any... - Advanced Prostate...
Proton beam for Gleason 10

I saw a recent study showed the side effects are basically the same after nine months (sorry I don't have a link). They've made many advances with the conventional photon beam such as IMRT and IGRT. The fact that the conventional photon treatment can get at the tumor from every angle (isocentric treatment) makes up for the advantages of the proton beam's short distance of energy deposit (Bragg Peak). The proton beam has far fewer locations offering it plus a much higher cost. For some types of cancers, it's very beneficial. But those few cancer treatments alone can't fund the very expensive system so they use it for other cancers like prostate where it really has shown no advantage. The places that offer it are very good at marketing, and you can learn some cool things about radiation physics such as Bragg Peak and high LET (linear energy transfer), etc. But in the end, the results are the about the same as the conventional photon beam. I am talking about irradiating the prostate and not salvage radation to the prostate bed, etc.
Side Effects and effectiveness are about the same. Many insurance will no longer cover protons until there is a demonstrable advantage:
Proton IS radiation and for advanced PC offers little benefit over photon (X-ray) treatment. What treatment have you had ? What is your currant PSA ? Age ?
i had radiation with no side-effects other then being tired lose some wt and thats it. i did have the so called beam with the radiation
I finished proton (78gy) on 15aug17, so far, no side effects (had to take Flowmax during treatment). Finished 18 month ADT for my G 4+5 in January, post ADT PSA will be in May. Cyclotrons are getting smaller, more efficient, and cheaper. G 8, 9, 10's are hard to get rid of, they spin off cells that radiation misses. We'll see.
So Giz we need mo info..... Age? PSA? Treatment? Your location? Treatment center? Doctor(s) name(s) and previous treatment(s). All this info is voluntary - no need to answer but your info helps us help you and helps us too. Don't respond to me on this current post. Post your info in a future post. Thanks...
BTW 2222 is an easy way to say locomotive.
Good luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 03/12/2019 6:45 PM DST
I presume that "advanced cancer" means "advanced localised Pca". i.e. the cancer is confined to the prostate. If it is not confined to the box, doctors will not want to treat you with radiation. I had PBT in Korea 5 years ago. I had G7 (3+4), PSA 8 before treatment. No side effects during PBT or afterwards. Other than a minor burn on the rectal wall opposite the prostate, which has minimally bleed over a few years (once or twice a year). A recent paper shows PBT as marginally superior to photon radiation.
Since I elected to have PBT, photon radiation has been significantly advanced with much better focus on the target area, but there still is significant radiation effecting the area beyond the photon beams target.
Would I do PBT if DX now. Probably not, as focal therapy could excise the larger tumours, leaving the rest of the prostate operative, which it is not after my PBT.
Hope this helps.