I encountered this thorough document and hope some of you will find it useful:
Comprehensive Nutrition Recommendatio... - Advanced Prostate...
Comprehensive Nutrition Recommendations from UCSF
Lots to respond to in the document - but where to start in a guide that has 60 references to soy & 17 to tofu?
"Recent studies found that soy flour (120 mg isoflavones daily) [327] and tofu [109] decreased serum testosterone levels in healthy men, further substantiating that soy may protect against prostate cancer."
Testosterone causes PCa? Find me the study that shows that. in contrast, there are now a good number of studies that associate low testosterone with PCa.
With soy, depends what form was studied and if GMO or not.Too much soy grown in US, is GMO (genetically-modified to be able to withstand HUGE amounts of chemical pesticides). Or in candy bars. That was quite common in the earlier days of soy research circa 1980's and 1990's. UGH.
many current treatments (ADT) for advanced PCa are based on reducing or stopping production of testosterone.
Cancer of the prostate gland develops when cells of the prostate show uncontrolled growth—high levels of testosterone help fuel this growth.
Androgen is necessary for cell division in prostatic cells, which is why castration therapy was attractive to Huggins, but most men fail basic ADT within 18-24 months, which would indicate that testosterone is not the root cause.
"Low serum testosterone is a predictor of high-grade disease in patients with prostate cancer." [1]
"Low serum testosterone is associated with tumor aggressiveness and poor prognosis in prostate cancer." [2]
"Is there a protective role of testosterone against high-grade prostate cancer? Incidence and severity of prostate cancer in 553 patients who underwent prostate biopsy: a prospective data register." [3]
"Low serum total testosterone level as a predictor of upstaging and upgrading in low-risk prostate cancer patients meeting the inclusion criteria for active surveillance." [4]
"Low testosterone level is an independent risk factor for high-grade prostate cancer detection at biopsy." [5]
[1] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/289...
[2] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/284...
[3] ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/282...
Eat like a King for breakfast... like a Price for lunch and a Pauper for dinner. I told my wife that and her only comment was "King? My ass". What did she mean by that?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 12/31/2018 5:18 PM EST