New approach for advanced metastatic prostate cancer sufferers:
New approach for advanced metastatic ... - Advanced Prostate...
New approach for advanced metastatic prostate cancer sufferers:

"The new approach combines two existing forms of radiotherapy – volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) to target prostate cancer cells in the pelvis, along with a type of internal radiotherapy drug called radium 223 that targets the disease in the bones.
VMAT is delivered externally with a machine called a linear accelerator, in daily hospital visits over two months."
I wonder what it is accelerating?
It accelerates subatomic particles
That can only be protons then?
That would be sort of strange though. They are very plnpoint precise (compared to x-rays) and they are bathing the pelvis with it.
The acceleration is to add energy to the particle. I'm not familiar with the medical use - usually it's to smash the particle to study its components. But you are correct in that it has a very precise point of delivery.
I must admit to a sinking sensation when I see a Daily Mail link.
"Twin radiation blasts that curb prostate cancer could prolong thousands of lives"
based on an unpublished safety study involving only 28 men (!)
Joe O'Sullivan appeared in a panel discussion last November & I believe there is a reference to the study:
See also:
{The silent guy is Johann de Bono, Royal Marsden.} (2018)